For two days, a woman from the Indonesian province of Jambi was missing. The 54-year-old field worker went to work on a rubber plantation on Sunday morning and never came back.
As reported by the Indian Times, among others, the husband discovered only his wife’s sandals, jacket, headscarf and knife when he searched the area. The police launched a search operation and discovered a huge reticulated python near the site, which was bloated in the middle. Apparently he had eaten a large amount.
A video on social media shows rescue workers approaching the massive animal and killing it. When they cut open the snake’s body with a knife, they make a sad discovery. The body of the missing woman lies in the snake’s belly.
“Everyone was amazed,” the village chief is quoted as saying, “it turned out that the woman we were looking for was in the snake’s stomach.” The body was almost intact. The woman’s agony is said to have lasted around two hours. It took the animal that long to bite, entangle and suffocate her before devouring her. The approximately six meter long snake is said not even to have been the largest seen in the area. Allegedly, snakes with a size of more than eight meters have also been sighted.
Watch the video: A record-breaking find in Florida: biologists have discovered a giant python. Over five meters long and weighing around 100 kilograms. Researchers look for breeding females and remove the eggs from the wild. This is how they want to protect Florida’s ecosystem.
Quellen:”Indian Times”, Foxnews