
Indiana Serial Killer’s Property Reveals 10,000 Human Remains and Counting

An Indiana serial killer’s property has become the epicenter of a chilling investigation, as authorities unearthed over 10,000 “burnt and crushed” skeletal remains, shrouded in mystery and horror. Herb Baumeister, a seemingly unassuming businessman and family man, is suspected of orchestrating a killing spree that claimed the lives of at least 25 victims in the late 1980s to early 1990s. The 18-acre property, known as Fox Hollow Farm, located in the Indianapolis suburb of Westfield, Indiana, continues to conceal dark secrets that haunt the community to this day.

The Hamilton County Coroner’s Office recently identified Jeffrey A. Jones as the latest victim of Baumeister’s reign of terror. With four additional DNA profiles awaiting identification, the body count associated with Baumeister climbs to a chilling total of 12 victims. The investigation into the remains found on the property remains a daunting challenge, as the victims’ identities have been obscured by the brutal nature of their deaths.

In a series of breakthroughs, the coroner’s office successfully identified Allen Livingston and Manuel Resendez as victims of Baumeister’s gruesome crimes. These discoveries shed light on the sinister activities that transpired within the walls of the $1 million Indiana home, where Baumeister carried out his heinous acts undetected for years. The property, once a picturesque facade, now stands as a haunting reminder of the horrors that unfolded under its tranquil surface.

Baumeister’s ability to lead a dual life as a family man and a cold-blooded killer mirrors the deceptive nature of many serial murderers. Operating under the alias “Brian Smart,” Baumeister targeted vulnerable young men, primarily from the LGBTQ+ community, luring them into his deadly web with false promises and sinister intentions. Despite the facade of normalcy, Baumeister’s true identity as a calculated predator eventually came to light, leading to his demise in 1996.

As authorities continue to sift through the remains and unravel the tangled web of Baumeister’s crimes, the community grapples with the disturbing reality that a prolific serial killer once roamed among them, hidden in plain sight. The collaborative efforts of forensic experts, DNA analysts, and law enforcement agencies have been instrumental in piecing together the shattered lives left in Baumeister’s wake, offering a glimmer of hope for closure and justice for the victims and their loved ones.