The former leader of Podemos Pablo Iglesias stated yesterday that what happened in Andalusia to form a candidacy that would bring together a broad left-wing front, in which the purple formation did not enter when it arrived after the deadline for registering with the Andalusian Electoral Board, “is a horror, many of us are ashamed”.

He said this in statements last night on Cadena Ser, in which he added that “it is the worst way to start something that is necessary in this country, such as a broad front that accumulates hope.”

Iglesias recalled that there were two proposals to head the candidacy of this front, that of Podemos, with Juan Antonio Delgado, and that of Más País and Izquierda Unida, with Inmaculada Nieto, and they did not agree.

“Finally, Yolanda -Díaz- intervened at the last moment, saying that the candidate had to be IU’s, and Podemos stands up and says, well, if the boss says so, even if we don’t agree with this, we have to accept it”, Pablo Iglesias said.

For Iglesias, “next time it would be very good to hold primaries open to citizens or militants of all political formations so as not to have to go through this embarrassment again. At least let the people decide; because if we say that we have that listening to the people, listening to the people is letting the people speak by voting and deciding”.

He commented that there is “a lot of sadness in the people of Podemos, it is evident that Podemos no longer leads in Andalusia, it leads IU and Más País and our militants are going to have to put up posters, campaign and strive to have the best possible result”.

“Yolanda has been very clear and crystal clear and it’s time to obey and work to obtain the best possible result”, but revealed that “the people of Podemos have a feeling of injustice and humiliation that they do not deserve”.

However, he assured that “our people are going to work for that candidacy and will support Yolanda to be president of this country”, and added that “I hope that Yolanda works hard on the campaign because I think we are going to need her to have a result better than the one predicted by the polls, which is certainly not good”.

“Podemos contributed to bringing to Spain something that was not a frequent thing, which was the primaries, to choose from the first to the last of the candidates and we have returned to the parties, the offices, the stab wounds, the records, the leaks… “, emphasized a “hurt” Iglesias.

In his opinion, “this cannot happen again. There is no other solution than letting everyone vote.”

He recalled that there was a split in Podemos due to the agreement with IU, “which has now agreed with the PCE and Errejón’s party to support another candidate.” “This has been a disaster, everyone in Podemos is very hurt.”

He insisted, however, that Podemos will “be disciplined and clear when it comes to defending unity, participation and loyalty to Yolanda Díaz until the end.”

Asked if he is hurt by Yolanda Díaz, Pablo Iglesias said: “I am not going to answer that question, because I am not going to contribute to generating any type of headline that harms either Yolanda Díaz, nor the candidacy of change, nor the broad front or whatever milk ends up being called,” he concluded.