It happened almost four years ago and the defendant is going to be tried this Wednesday, through the coronavirus pandemic, at the Toledo Provincial Court. The events date back to August 20, 2018 in a hostel in Illescas. Two agents of the local Police and another two of the Civil Guard attended the notice of the person in charge of the establishment, because a man bothered the clientele. He was under the influence of the intake of toxic substances, which reduced his psychophysical faculties, according to the account of the prosecutor in the case.

The individual did not change his attitude. Unlike; He raised his tone of voice and uttered insults against the agents: «I’m going to throw the syringes at you that are infected with blood and contagious with a chronic disease!», «I’m going to send you to a world that is going to freak you out! ».

But they weren’t the only expletives: “If you come any closer, I’ll throw the syringes at you,” “I’m going to ruin your life, because I don’t give a shit about mine, and I just got out of jail!” “Sons of bitches, I don’t give a damn about my life, so yours, less!” He threatened. And he warned that he had injected “two shots of coca and other substances that have freaked me out.”

Finally, he was arrested and a self-closing plastic bag was found in his room at the hostel, inside which there were 32.1 grams of cocaine, with an average content of 56.95%, and another similar one but with 7.07 grams. of cocaine, with an average wealth of 68.6%. He also had an open plastic wrapper containing 21.57 grams of cocaine, with an average wealth of 56.85%. All these amounts were going to be used for trafficking to third parties, according to the prosecutor.

According to the medical examiner’s report, the accused had his cognitive and volitional abilities “abolished” at that time. Therefore, the Public Ministry considers that there is a complete defense to request the free acquittal of the defendant for the crime of serious resistance to authority. Instead, he proposes his internment in a drug detoxification center for six months. In addition, he requests four years in prison for the crime against public health.