With the health crisis, online medicine has become a reality: making appointments on the internet, consulting the results of Covid-19 tests, downloading vaccination certificates on the TousAntiCovid application, teleconsultations… In 2022, the e-health is even more common in our uses with My health space, accessible free of charge on the monespacesante.fr website.

This new public service, intended to become the interactive health record for all French people, offers a whole range of functions. And, its content will expand over time. All social security beneficiaries, regardless of their health insurance scheme (employees, self-employed workers, farmers, students, etc.), including minors, now have access to it.

My health space replaces the Shared Medical Record (DMP), which was a resounding failure, with only 10 million openings. In order not to repeat the same error, the government is deploying a “historic mobilization” with a vast communication campaign. It is also reassuring. The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, thus promises the establishment of a “network of professional and voluntary actors capable of training and supporting in particular the people furthest from digital” in taking charge of this new tool.

In principle, you have already received an e-mail or letter from Health Insurance presenting you My health space. This notification invited you to activate your personal account on the monespacesante.fr portal. Without action on your part, your personal profile is created automatically within 6 weeks. However, you can oppose this automatic creation by going to the site or by calling 34 22, with the temporary code present in the e-mail or letter you received. Regardless of your initial choice, know that you can always activate or close your profile at any time.

To facilitate the adoption of this new tool by the 65 million insured persons, the public authorities have opted for the “opt-out” method, namely: “who does not say no to the activation of his space, wish to take advantage of it”.

TO KNOW: On the message sent is a personal activation code, valid for 6 weeks. A parent can access their child’s profile until they reach majority.

My health space already includes a medical file which allows you to store in the “Documents” section all the medical information that you consider useful and that you do not want to lose (prescriptions, test results, medical images, hospitalization reports. ..). It will be gradually fed by health professionals (doctors, laboratories, pharmacists, etc.), until they are equipped with the appropriate software. But you can also feed it directly, by depositing your documents. If you already had a Shared Medical Record (DMP), you will find all of its content there.

Your space also includes a “Medical Profile” where you can fill in your personal information (medical history, allergies, advance directives, vaccinations, etc.) and update your constants (weight, height, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, etc.). Note that you can download a summary of your medical profile in PDF format to send it to the healthcare professionals of your choice. The documents and information recorded in My health space remain your property and it is you who decide which healthcare professionals can have access to your documents, and which ones you agree to share. Your information is therefore only accessible to the caregivers you have authorized. Neither the State, health insurance, nor insurance, nor mutual insurance companies, nor employers will have access to it.

My health space also includes secure health messaging. You will need to communicate your e-mail address (automatically created in your space) to your interlocutors. Attention, only a health professional can start an exchange. You can then respond to him. He will also be able to send you a prescription renewal or a medical referral letter via this messaging service.

TO KNOW: A history of your activities makes it possible to find the trace of the connections to your personal space and the actions carried out by the health professionals.

Two new features will be added in the coming months. The platform must be enriched with a shared medical diary to manage appointments and receive reminders for the key dates of control examinations (check-ups, screenings, vaccinations, etc.). Another planned addition is the integration of a catalog of digital health services referenced by the public authorities. The latter will be a kind of application store related to health and well-being, all approved by Health Insurance, and accessible via a smartphone. It will bring together teleconsultation services and online appointment booking, monitoring of heart rate, blood sugar, etc.

TO KNOW: The health applications will be developed by public and private actors, verified and then validated by the State. Some services may offer you to activate data exchanges with My health space to enrich your medical profile or improve the service provided.

Other services will continue to be implemented in 2023, such as the possibility of delegating access to your space to a loved one; the visualization of medical images (MRI, X-ray…), the integration of electronic prescriptions authenticated by QR code, etc. “This tool will not be frozen, it will not be a bad caricature of an administrative project which arrives 20 years late. On the contrary, it will be scalable and will adapt as much to the needs that will appear as to the requests that will be formulated by patients and health professionals”, declared the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran.

TO KNOW: My health space preserves medical secrecy. It’s safe sharing.

We cannot repeat it enough: cybercriminals are reactive and imaginative! The My Health Space platform has barely been launched when it is already the subject of scam attempts. Health Insurance thus alerts policyholders to fraudulent calls and messages affecting the new digital service. These calls and their intermediaries claim to want to “help create My Health Space” and ask to enter the “France Connect” identifiers to access the digital service. However, this is a hacking attempt because My health space is not yet compatible with France Connect. The risks of identity theft are significant and can affect various services in the event of transmission of information (taxes, pension insurance, etc.). If necessary, if you are unable to take control of My health space, don’t hesitate to ask for help. You can either call 3422 (the telephone number dedicated to My health space) or contact your health insurance fund, which can help you or direct you to support measures.

With the health crisis, online medicine has become a reality: making appointments on the internet, consulting the results of Covid-19 tests, downloading vaccination certificates on the TousAntiCovid application, teleconsultations… In 2022, the e-health is even more common in our uses with My health space, accessible free of charge on the monespacesante.fr website.

This new public service, intended to become the interactive health record for all French people, offers a whole range of functions. And, its content will expand over time. All social security beneficiaries, regardless of their health insurance scheme (employees, self-employed workers, farmers, students, etc.), including minors, now have access to it.

My health space replaces the Shared Medical Record (DMP), which was a resounding failure, with only 10 million openings. In order not to repeat the same error, the government is deploying a “historic mobilization” with a vast communication campaign. It is also reassuring. The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, thus promises the establishment of a “network of professional and voluntary actors capable of training and supporting in particular the people furthest from digital” in taking charge of this new tool.

In principle, you have already received an e-mail or letter from Health Insurance presenting you My health space. This notification invited you to activate your personal account on the monespacesante.fr portal. Without action on your part, your personal profile is created automatically within 6 weeks. However, you can oppose this automatic creation by going to the site or by calling 34 22, with the temporary code present in the e-mail or letter you received. Regardless of your initial choice, know that you can always activate or close your profile at any time.

To facilitate the adoption of this new tool by the 65 million insured persons, the public authorities have opted for the “opt-out” method, namely: “who does not say no to the activation of his space, wish to take advantage of it”.

TO KNOW: On the message sent is a personal activation code, valid for 6 weeks. A parent can access their child’s profile until they reach majority.

My health space already includes a medical file which allows you to store in the “Documents” section all the medical information that you consider useful and that you do not want to lose (prescriptions, test results, medical images, hospitalization reports. ..). It will be gradually fed by health professionals (doctors, laboratories, pharmacists, etc.), until they are equipped with the appropriate software. But you can also feed it directly, by depositing your documents. If you already had a Shared Medical Record (DMP), you will find all of its content there.

Your space also includes a “Medical Profile” where you can fill in your personal information (medical history, allergies, advance directives, vaccinations, etc.) and update your constants (weight, height, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, etc.). Note that you can download a summary of your medical profile in PDF format to send it to the healthcare professionals of your choice. The documents and information recorded in My health space remain your property and it is you who decide which healthcare professionals can have access to your documents, and which ones you agree to share. Your information is therefore only accessible to the caregivers you have authorized. Neither the State, health insurance, nor insurance, nor mutual insurance companies, nor employers will have access to it.

My health space also includes secure health messaging. You will need to communicate your e-mail address (automatically created in your space) to your interlocutors. Attention, only a health professional can start an exchange. You can then respond to him. He will also be able to send you a prescription renewal or a medical referral letter via this messaging service.

TO KNOW: A history of your activities makes it possible to find the trace of the connections to your personal space and the actions carried out by the health professionals.

Two new features will be added in the coming months. The platform must be enriched with a shared medical diary to manage appointments and receive reminders for the key dates of control examinations (check-ups, screenings, vaccinations, etc.). Another planned addition is the integration of a catalog of digital health services referenced by the public authorities. The latter will be a kind of application store related to health and well-being, all approved by Health Insurance, and accessible via a smartphone. It will bring together teleconsultation services and online appointment booking, monitoring of heart rate, blood sugar, etc.

TO KNOW: The health applications will be developed by public and private actors, verified and then validated by the State. Some services may offer you to activate data exchanges with My health space to enrich your medical profile or improve the service provided.

Other services will continue to be implemented in 2023, such as the possibility of delegating access to your space to a loved one; the visualization of medical images (MRI, X-ray…), the integration of electronic prescriptions authenticated by QR code, etc. “This tool will not be frozen, it will not be a bad caricature of an administrative project which arrives 20 years late. On the contrary, it will be scalable and will adapt as much to the needs that will appear as to the requests that will be formulated by patients and health professionals”, declared the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran.

TO KNOW: My health space preserves medical secrecy. It’s safe sharing.

We cannot repeat it enough: cybercriminals are reactive and imaginative! The My Health Space platform has barely been launched when it is already the subject of scam attempts. Health Insurance thus alerts policyholders to fraudulent calls and messages affecting the new digital service. These calls and their intermediaries claim to want to “help create My Health Space” and ask to enter the “France Connect” identifiers to access the digital service. However, this is a hacking attempt because My health space is not yet compatible with France Connect. The risks of identity theft are significant and can affect various services in the event of transmission of information (taxes, pension insurance, etc.). If necessary, if you are unable to take control of My health space, don’t hesitate to ask for help. You can either call 3422 (the telephone number dedicated to My health space) or contact your health insurance fund, which can help you or direct you to support measures.