Boligministerens discussion paper for the amendment of the contentious section is tailored to hit Blackstone, believes the expert.

housing minister Kaare Dybvad (S) is after several weeks of negotiations, ready with a legislative intervention, which in his own words, among other things, framework boligspekulanter.

the Procedure must at the same time curb the increase in rent, and drag the renovations of rental properties in a greener direction.

It writes Berlingske.

Thursday will meet the government with a number of Parliamentary boligordførere in the third round to negotiate a modification of the boligreguleringslovens section 5 paragraph 2.

It is the section popularly known Blackstoneparagraffen with regard to the american private equity fund, has major investments in the Danish real estate market.

At Thursday’s meeting, will the minister present a model, which should make it harder for private equity funds to earn money on short-term investments in Danish properties.

at the same time, pension funds and landlords who want to invest in properties for longer, have better conditions.

According to the minister’s discussion paper it must for example not be possible for landlords to “5,2”-renovate after ten years.

– There is just a large incentive, such as legislation is put together, to make short-term investments, such as Blackstone (us private equity fund, red.) use it, says Kaare Dybvad to Berlingske.

He refers to the landlords today can make a major renovation and put the rent up, when a tenant moves.

the Minister’s discussion paper contains a total of four concrete steps.

According to Curt Liliegreen, head of Boligøkonomisk resource center, will lovindgrebet framework private equity funds as Blackstone hard and accurately.

– If Blackstone will continue, as they have hitherto fremturet, then they will get it hard in Denmark. Mind of a vesting period for the rent increase will hit the short-term investors. And it is increased with surgical precision is designed to do, he says.
