In the first season of the series “True Detective” Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson are on the road as a duo of investigators – and the actors also seem to get along well off camera. The friendship between the two is sometimes referred to as a real “bromance”. And perhaps the term is more literal here than one might think.

At least, Matthew McConaughey speculated in a podcast about whether Harrelson could really be his biological brother. The actors have already identified the first indications of this, reports the 53-year-old in the “Let’s Talk Off Camera” podcast. He told host Kelly Ripa that he suspected his mother was having an affair with Harrelson’s father.

“A few years ago we were sitting around in Greece and talking about how close we are to each other and to our families,” McConaughey said. “My mom was there and she was like, ‘Woody, I knew your father.’ Everyone noticed the pause she left after ‘knew’.” It was a “charged” statement, says the actor.

He and Harrelson then did some research and came to the conclusion that their parents’ dalliance was at least theoretically possible. Harrelson’s father, Charles Harrelson, left the family in 1968, a year before McConaughey was born. At the time in question he was on vacation – and McConaughey’s mother divorced her husband at that time. The actors even claim to have found out where the two could have met. Charles Harrelson was later sentenced to life in prison for allegedly killing a judge and died in prison.

Additionally, McConaughey and McConaughey have become suspicious because they look so alike. “Where I start and he ends, and where he begins and I end, that’s always been a blurred line,” McConaughey explained on the podcast. “My kids call him Uncle Woody. His kids call me Uncle Matthew. Our families often confuse us.” Woody Harrelson now wants to be sure and do a DNA test. McConaughey, eight years his junior, is still shying away – he’s worried about finding out the man he thought was his father for 53 years isn’t his biological father.

Quelle:  “Let’s Talk Off Camera With Kelly Ripa”