Alicante already smells of gunpowder and this weekend the atmosphere of Bonfires will be breathed through the streets of the capital, especially with the two mascletás and the always fun Ninot Parade. This is the guide to the most anticipated parties of the people of Alicante after two years of waiting for the forced stoppage of the coronavirus:
14:00 Mascletà in the Zona Pau 5 (Playa San Juan).
20:00 Ninot Parade. Itinerary: Alfonso El Sabio, Rambla de Méndez Núñez, Rafael Altamira, Plaza del Ayuntamiento.
14:00 Mascletà in front of the courts of Benalúa.
20:30 Fogueres Mercadito Inauguration.
23:00 Arrival of the Foc El Corte Inglés. Light, sound and pyrotechnics show in Churruca street.
14:00 Mascletà Plaza de los Luceros.
19:00 Entry of Bands and Commissions. Itinerary: Alfonso el Sabio, Rambla de Méndez Núñez, Rafael Altamira, Plaza del Ayuntamiento.
00:00 Children’s bonfire plant and street dolls.
14:00 Mascletà I session of the XXXIII Mascletaes Contest. Plaza de los Luceros. Pyrotechnics Martí S.L.
00:00 Plantà de las Hogueras, the covers of the barracks and the decorated streets.
09:00 Visit of the children’s bonfire jury.
09:00 Visit of the jury of the XXXIV Street Doll Contest.
14:00 Mascletà II session of the XXXIII Mascletaes Contest. Plaza de los Luceros. Pyrotechnics Hermanos Sirvent de Alicante S.L.
17:00 Reading of prizes at the children’s bonfires.
17:30 Official visit to the winning children’s bonfire.
22:00 Inauguration of Barracas and Racós.
09:00 Visit of the jury of bonfires, innovative bonfires, the covers of the Barracks and the ornate streets.
12:00 Tribute to Gabriel Miró. Gabriel Miro Square
13:00 Tribute to Joseph Ma Py. Joseph Street Ma Py
14:00 Mascletà III session of the XXXIII Mascletaes Contest. Plaza de los Luceros. Mediterranean Fireworks S.L.U
17:00 Reading of prizes for bonfires, innovative bonfires, the covers of the Barracks and the ornate streets.
17:30 Official visit to the bonfire and winning hut.
19:00 Flower Offering (1st Session). The Bonfires parade from number 1 to 43. They will close the Offering the Beauty of the Children’s Fire of Alicante and its Bridesmaids. Itinerary: Alfonso the Wise, Rambla de Méndez Núñez, San José, Concatedral, San Nicolás, Rafael Altamira, Plaza del Ayuntamiento.
22:00 Verbenas in Barracas i Racós.
11:00 Awards Ceremony Parade. From the Plaza del Ayuntamiento to the official gallery on the Rambla.
14:00 Mascletà IV session of the XXXIII Mascletaes Contest. Plaza de los Luceros. Zarzoso Pyrotechnics S.L.
19:00 Offering of Flowers (II Session). The Bonfires from number 44 to 89 parade. The Beauty of the Fire of Alicante and its Bridesmaids will close the Offering. Itinerary: Alfonso the Wise, Rambla de Méndez Núñez, San José, Concatedral, San Nicolás, Rafael Altamira, Plaza del Ayuntamiento.
22:00 Verbenas in Barracas i Racós.
13:00 Awards Ceremony for the Offering of Flowers. Market of Fogueres
14:00 Mascletà V session of the XXXIII Mascletaes Contest. Plaza de los Luceros. Tamarit Pyrotechnics S.L.
19:00 Dance of Alicante around the Official Bonfire. Town Hall Square.
20:00 LXV International Folk Parade. Sample of the folklore and traditions of the Valencian Community, Communities and invited countries. Itinerary: Alfonso el Sabio, Rambla de Méndez Núñez, Rafael Altamira, Plaza del Ayuntamiento.
22:00 Verbenas in Barracas i Racós.
14:00 Mascletà VI session of the XXXIII Masclet Competition. Plaza de los Luceros. Ferrotecnia Pyrotechnics S.L.
20:30 Official Mass of Bonfires. Concathedral of St. Nicholas
24:00 Palm Tree Monument. Pyrotechnic show from Mount Benacantil. Pyrotechnics: Hermanos Sirvent de Alicante S.L.
00:00 Burning of the official bonfire and the official children’s bonfire. Town Hall Square
00:00 Cremà of the bonfires, children’s bonfires and covers of the barracks.