Hard accusations hagler Wednesday, down over the worldwide Swedish tøjkæde H&M.

It is the accusations of horrible working conditions, bosses who yell and cries of the servants, and a basic culture, which makes employees feel that they are rolled into a kind of sect. Circumstances pointing directly towards the otherwise celebrated ’special H&M-the spirit’.

H&M has responded aggressively to the allegations and ’deplores’ from the charges, writes Expressen.

the Allegations made in a new book titled ‘The Big Boss’, as the Wednesday is published in Sweden.

A title, which refers to Stefan Persson, who inherited H&M from his father, and today is one of the world’s richest men.

In the book, the authors Jonas Alsgren and Erik Palm looked at, what it is for a culture, H&M’s success and Stefan His staggering wealth is built on.

H&M prides itself for itself of a special ‘H&M-spirit’, and it is the spirit that comes under the microscope in the book.

The image, the authors come to, however, is not tremendously flattering.

Here are example descriptions of how employees are being heckled, how employees are ordered to work with extremely short notice, and how there is a culture of individual employees be scapegoats when the results are not good – while it is the team that roses, when a store has success.

the Book also contains allegations of unsafe working conditions and a large use of part-time workers, who are being pressed hard.

the Authors have spoken with 100 current and former employees.

Many of them describe a culture where there is ’high cohesion’, writes Expressen.

But another word also goes again with more employees.

And it is the word ‘sect’.

“It’s like a cult. If you must be at H&M, you just need to say ‘yes’ and right after them, who decides,” says a employee, who is a buyer at H&M’s head office, for example.

the Authors have also sent a mole into H&M.

She must take the temperature of very special ‘H&M-spirit’, there should be.

the Woman is experiencing, among other things, how she ansættelsessamtalen faced with a lot of other young women.

Here she gets a clear impression that it is only to be the one who is ready to go as far as compared to be available for work and who are most ready to accept to be called with extremely short notice.

When the mole starts on his job in H&M, recording with a hidden camera how the boss shouting at the staff on her first day of work.

At H&M has responded offensively on the book’s release.

press offices have sent a message out, where the H&M, for example, writes, ar they did not recognize the picture painted in the book.

The message repeats Filip Ekvall, who is the manager of H&M’s Swedish branch, opposite Expressen:

“It is, I feel, is that this is not a nuanced picture of the H&M, and it is not a picture, I can even recognize.”