The SPD parliamentary group in the Saxon state parliament has put its finger in the wound with a position paper on health policy. At the same time, she warned against populism in the current debate about future medical care in Bavaria. “With the paper we are not giving ‘one’, simple answer to a very complex question. Because we are convinced that only a holistic strategy will lead to success,” emphasized health expert Simone Lang. It is important to set priorities. “So not every hospital has to specialize in every department. Emergency care can also be provided by health centers, for example.”
According to Lang, people expect good, local care, especially in an emergency. “Saxony’s hospitals need enough staff and should continue to offer high quality in the future. We have to ensure that, especially in an aging society.” With modern concepts, new ways of acting and a lot of cooperation, this is also possible. The position paper focuses on eight points. Among other things, this involves nationwide care, staff, regional cooperation, telemedicine and the quality of treatment.
Position paper of the SPD parliamentary group