Juan Marin, the vice president of Board who likes him most and is on the brink of his disappearance according to polls. Perhaps he is used to swimming against waves because, in Sanlucar de Barrameda, a place he constantly evokes, the Guadalquivir River becomes sea and rebellious. He is aiming to win the election and have the fair representation to re-elect the government with the PP. After a press conference, he can be seen walking his dog on the beach after delivering a speech.

The last interview was one year ago. He said that there would not be early elections. What did he say?

-There is a three month advance. He asked me why, because he was certain there would be elections before Christmas. It was then said that the president would make that decision in spring. I disagreed.

-Because he calls him, and tries to convince his not to call.

-I will explain my reasons. There won’t be a budget in 2022. Call when you want. Why? Why? Because Ayuso, who has been president since May 4, last year, is a majority member of Vox and does not have a budget. There would be some chance if we kept this government. However, if you add a third party to the equation, there will be no budget or joke. This excuse was a joke. It was reasonable to continue execution of the budget we had extended and use all European funds.

– Why did you choose to call?

-Due to the political situation in the country and Sanchez’s discredit, the PP has an opportunity. It has seen an example in Castilla y Leon, which shows that elections can be a surprise box. His vice president treats people with disabilities like they are abnormal, when he is the only one who is abnormal.

Isn’t it true that inflation advances the story?

He didn’t believe me and I told him. You have to be loyal to your job, and that means being open to change. Juanma, I believe you are wrong.

– Do your feelings of being used influence you? It was also a bit too abrupt to end the PSOE on the stage of SusanaDiaz.

It was quite different. It was clear that there was deceit. Susana Diaz claimed that we had met on September 6 to discuss the draft budget. She then called me on September 6 to call elections, without me knowing anything. Antonio Maillo (IU) called me.

-Hasn’t the PSOE wound healed?

– They paid for the ticket. She believed she would win with an absolute majority. Now she’s in a late-show. It’s not clear to me what it is.

Is the PSOE still in use?

I would argue that it is worse because Juan Espadas is incapable of claiming anything for this land. I don’t know anything he owes Pedro Sanchez other than the fact that he will point at it. This was a fight between Pedro Sanchez and Susana Diaz. Juan has won Sanchez, and he owes him obedience. He is an acolyte to Sanchez and cannot raise his voice.

Juan Espadas doesn’t have this assessment of the government. Eight ministers surrounded him at the Two Sisters rally.

You will agree that Andalusia is still being mistreated by Sanchez. We don’t have the basic resources or a financing law to finance our social and health policies. If there is a distribution in European funds for Tourism, then 6% corresponds with us when we contribute 26% of the national GDP of that sector. To get the VAT refund, we had to go to court. Are you ready to speak out about the Mediterranean Corridor and Rules channeling? It’s infinitely worse than Susana.

– Would you rule out a pact between the PSOE and the PSOE, even if they provided the numbers?

– To reassess the inheritance tax? Not dead. The PSOE, which was not able to match the salaries of teachers in Spain with Spain’s, has been in decline for 37 years. Liberals had to step in. You cannot reach agreements with this PSOE. This is not about corruption.

-Pedro Sanchez speaks out about corruption in the PP with whom you have governed.

-I know of no corruption in the PP in Andalusia. Pedro Sanchez has denounced corruption in Grinan by Chaves and Grinan of more than 500 high-ranking officials from previous PSOE governments. I was told by Parliament three months ago that Chaves, Grinan and Grinan were two very honorable presidents. Justice says that they are both criminals. Since my arrival, there has never been one person accused of corruption in the Andalusian parliament. I have it.

-He also stated that Citizens would be his priority if he were to be on a list in the interview from a year ago. Is there a proposal from the PP?

-And many more.

Now, I’m saying it.

-Now now. There have been many offers, but I don’t know the price. I’m not as ambitious as our ex-deputies. I began here, and I will end here. They’ve put me all over the place, and if I had gone with Susana, with PP… I wouldn’t be here. It’s what I believe. It is important to maintain dignity, and I will not be offended if it goes wrong. I don’t have to change my jacket just to go to the PP and the PSOE. Which example should we set?

-The PP didn’t deny the possibility.

Juanma has spoken to me and I would love for him to join my team. I am still vice president of the Andalusians. The polls will decide that. There’s life out there. Two hands are needed to do the work.

Do you feel the need to save Ciudadanos from extinction?

-The stages of liberal projects in Europe have seen saw peaks, and now we govern Germany. This space is also available in politics. Liberals are now the preferred choice of Socialists and Conservatives. We haven’t been disbanded, we have a vice presidency and five directors, over 400 elected officials in Andalusia and 19 mayors. We share governments with the PP or PSOE… We’re still here, and we hope for a result that will allow us to be decisive and not allow us to enter into the realm of the extreme right.

– What is the reason why some of these positions are leaving Ciudadanos. Juanma Moreno is being voted for by former parliamentarians.

It is very sad that some people are only interested in a monthly salary. They have been offered and they are always the same. They sell for a few coins. I am able to work outside with dignity. Three and a quarter years of earning a salary as a Citizens deputy is not enough time. Now, we are told that we must vote for the PP. Why are they not returning the salary?

-Management of Ciudadanos has been valued. The positions are visible more than in 2018, however, expectations are not the same. What has happened?

-That we are dedicated to our work and not to selling it. No one in the street can tell me they have done a great job. Yesterday, while filling up gas, the worker was accompanied by his boss. When I went to pay him, he handed me the ticket and a piece paper saying congratulations. No one can look at me and tell that I haven’t done what I said. The government of change produced the worst results in the history of PP. Now I’m saying that we can add enough to the government and reissue it. Macarena Olona: I don’t want that lady here. That is speaking directly to people. Did you hear the PP state that Vox will not be a partner?

-He set red lines

-Do you remember him saying that Vox would not be his friend?

He has set red lines.

You can use any color to decorate them. The red lines will be given another color, and people will forget for two days.

-Citizens from Andalusia will pay for the national crisis. What made him so upset?

-I don’t think it’s annoying, but we’re in a period where we must improve and transfer our project more effectively. These principles and values are not changing. Some people aren’t here to pursue their interests. When the project begins to fail, they leave to find a new corner. You have the good.

Was it not Albert Rivera’s error?

-Was it wrong to have 57 deputies?

It dropped to ten months later.

Politics is a game where you must be ready for anything. You can have the worst outcome and still be president. Tell Javier Arenas.

– Is it possible that Ciudadanos was engulfed in the PP?

-We are not devoted to creating slogans or carrying out communication campaigns. Minister of Employment, Rocio Blanco. From 36% to 19.78% unemployment. Javier Imbroda. Salary equalization. 99% of parents choose where their child will be cared for. You can follow. We could have committed ourselves to campaigning. Sure. People know, I believe. Although I do not know the outcome of the 19th, I believe the Andalusians are correct. Perhaps you should be more involved in marketing and demagoguery than management, but that is not my project. Although management does not make people’s lives easier, it is not a selling tool.

-Current political events are a mix of many emotions.

-I haven’t yet found out what others are doing, except Swords who said he would re-impose inheritance and gift tax. Olona claims that Abascal will be the next president in Spain. He doesn’t realize that elections are taking place in Andalusia. It will be the choice of the people if they wish to vote for it. I believed Andalusians desired better public services, employment access, and transparency in government.

Citizens are left with two symbolic deputies by the Centra [Center for Andalusian Studies].

But the Centra is not represented in the elections.

Are you a believer in this forecast?

-If I believed the polls, I wouldn’t have presented myself in 2015. 2015 gave me zero deputies.

But the most recent Citizens results begin to look like the polls.

But this is Andalusia. They were wrong in 2015 when I received 9 and 2018 when they gave 11 to me, while I received 21. Andalusians vote differently, and more so now. The Andalusians will change the results.

How does it go back?

-There are 30% of people who haven’t decided how they will vote. We must tell Andalusians about what we will do and the government they will have. They will vote for the PP if they only vote for me. What about the rest?

-If Ciudadanos proposes a government with PP, why don’t you vote directly for the PP?

-How he governs is a reflection of his behavior in other communities. Is it coincidence that Andalusia has become the economic engine for Spain? Because the PP has a Galicia government with an absolute majority in Murcia in Madrid… So why is Andalusia not leading economic growth? Andalusian GDP is growing faster than the national average. The unemployment rate has fallen 30% in Andalusia, which accounts for 30% of all employment in Spain.

I understand that this implies that it was done by Ciudadanos. What did you do?

– Implement liberal policies, administrative simplifications, tax reductions and flat rate for self-employed since 2017.

-I also heard the PP claim that they did all of this.

– Is it possible that the PP voted against the one million euro minimum exempt from inheritance or donations when I brought it up to Parliament in 17 years? Why didn’t the PP make a single proposal over 37 years to establish a flat rate for self-employed workers? It hasn’t occurred to you yet.

“All of this has happened to you.

-I imposed 83 points on the PP/Ciudadanos agreement. There are 92 points in the agreement.

-This Government has more seal than it is assumed.

-The seal of Citizens is stronger than that of the PP. The PP would have the same policies in all places. There are PP communities who have not eliminated the donation taxes. They may not have done audits. What percentage of PP communities has an anti-fraud office? How many years has the teacher’s salary been equalized? How many years have there been three years in a row with budget balance?

-And, if all of this has been done in Cs, then why does Juanma Moreno want only to govern?

“And so do you, but you know that you can’t.

Vox warns you to not vote and to join the government.

Vox is lying to everybody so I don’t believe any of it. Is it something that no one sees? Is it possible to imagine that it will end the state of the autonomys when it arrives? This is paint and colour. You arrive in Andalusia to declare that you will eliminate the state autonomys. But you forget that the Constitution must be reformated. You’re a state lawyer. It’s a belief shared by many. He claims that Andalusia doesn’t matter to him and that it is a test ground for the Government of Spain. They lie every day. They won’t be able to send any unaccompanied minor home because of an international law. The borders of Andalusia also represent the borders Europe. Vox leaders are not my enemies. I have been able to negotiate many things in Parliament and I asked them how they could make certain statements. They told me they wouldn’t forget this and that they didn’t care. Then I tell them that I will build a small flat for all Andalusians without jobs. With the separatists, populists… I don’t want anything.

Do you believe Juanma Moreno will agree to this agreement or hold repeat elections if he is forced?

-I don’t believe in repeating election. He wants to be the one who rules. We are the decisive force if you don’t. You can force or negotiate.

What have you taken away from these years?

I’ve met amazing people, and people I wouldn’t mind meeting again. I know more about my country. There is too much talent, and people from abroad are afraid of Andalusia. It is important to live life differently. I have learned that it is impossible to spend 16 hours working on something and neglect your family and friends. Even if there were four more years, I doubt there will be as many councils as the one that I have supervised. Better organization is needed in administration. Many of the statements are demagoguery. I admit that we made a mistake. We wanted to eliminate more ministries than the PSOE.

– Can 20J be seen in politics?

I am certain that we will remain decisive. My mission is to stop Vox from entering.

-Also, in the interview I did with them a year back, he stated that Luis Salvador would remain mayor and that he was not even in Ciudadanos anymore. He now campaigns for Juan Espadas.

He has been seeking his own personal gain. He could have been elected mayor but he chose to go back to the PSOE, his roots. Even though he may not agree with what he did, he is still my friend.

– Have you ever received an offer from the PSOE?

-I have no doubt. She has been in this industry for too many years to not have her back.