The mandate from the Paris climate agreement now applies all the more, emphasized the Green politician. It is about “persistently working on concrete projects to actually dampen global warming”. The focus is now on “promoting the joint move away from coal, oil and gas – through a sustainable, socially just, global energy transition and the decarbonization of industry”. This is the only way to get on the 1.5 degree path.

Green leader Ricarda Lang rated the result as “overall sobering”. “Despite a strong commitment by the EU and the German government, there was no agreement on phasing out all fossil fuels and on clear reduction targets,” she told the editorial network Germany (RND). “These would have been sorely needed – as a global community, we simply don’t do justice to reality.” That is a “severe setback for the 1.5-degree path.”

That is why it is now all the more important that Germany continues to tackle these issues credibly and more quickly. Lang called for the Federal Republic to act as a role model: “If we prove that it is possible to phase out fossil fuels and meet climate targets in Germany, we can also be even more convincing internationally in the future.”