the Taking of agricultural land is going to make a difference. But in the long run you need more, saith the.

the Bill for 2020 is an important first step to help a penetrated Danish nature.

It takes several green organizations, which in particular emphasises that the government and støttepartierne have agreed to allocate 200 million euros per year from 2020 to 2029 for the procurement of agricultural land.

It can get to make a big difference, believe the president of the Danish society of nature conservation, Maria Reumert Gjerding.

– the main problem of our nature is that it lacks space. That is why it is so important that we now get started with to acquire agricultural land and give it back to nature, says the president in a message.

She believes that the recently signed agreement is one of “the greenest budgets ever” and see the big green progress in the final agreement in relation to the proposal, which the Social democrats came with months ago.

set-aside of agricultural land should help to reduce agricultural emissions of greenhouse gases.

It was just recommended by the Danish Matbet society for nature conservation together with the industry association Agriculture & Food back in February.

– In agriculture, we have long spoken highly about it also together with the Danish society for conservation of nature – for we know that it can bring significant klimareduktioner, says Martin Merrild, chairman of the Agriculture & Food.

The 200 million dollars a year for the procurement of landbrugsjords as well as several other initiatives are needed, says.

But there is still a long way to begin to talk about a genuine conversion to a green economy.

It takes Greenpeace Nordic.

– We look forward to the first step in the comprehensive transformation of the Danish agriculture and transport. But it’s a small hop compared to the leap, as one soon to be taking in a climate action plan all sectors of society, says the secretary-general Mads Flarup Christensen.

Also a special skovfond, among other things, to work with the afforestation is with in the budget.

To be marketed in 2020, 100 million dollars, and so there must be a more concrete model for the fund are discussed.

at the same time is aftalepartierne been agreed to create a so-called green fremtidsfond of 25 billion dollars, need to invest in green projects, which ensures more sustainability.

In the budget will be allocated 76 million dollars in 2020, 170 million in 2021 and 264 million dollars annually from 2022 onwards to cover the financial risks, as fremtidsfonden involves.

The various green initiatives are reaping praise from Bo Øksnebjerg, who is secretary-general at WWF world wide fund for nature.

But he has one big appeal.

– Unfortunately, politicians have completely forgotten that our Danish waters suffer from eutrophication and overfishing. The sea is not mentioned with one single word, in the Budget, ” says Bo Øksnebjerg in a message.
