The Parliament wants to protect the Swiss economy with better controls against harmful international Acquisitions. It has instructed the Federal Council to pass a law for a licensing authority to consider foreign investment.

With a 96 to 82 votes, with 15 abstentions, the great chamber, a Motion of the Council of States Beat Rieder (CVP/VS). The fractions of SP Green and in the middle of a set, with the individual votes of the SVP almost. The preparatory Committee had pronounced in age composition – it’s pretty clearly against the Motion.


In Switzerland there is little legislative hand have to react to, at best, problematic Acquisitions by foreign investors, said Leo Müller (CVP/LU) on behalf of the ultimately successful Commission of minorities. The reason for the proposal, among other things, the Takeover of the Swiss agrochemicals giant Syngenta through the state group Chem China for 43 billion dollars. Survey

Should be prohibited, and foreign acquisitions in Switzerland in certain cases?

no, it is the free market
applicable to



no, it is the free market

6.3% applicable

32 votes



no, it is even more important, the free market


requires 32 votes

to The Federal Council transferred advance, the act to develop principles for investment, control of foreign direct investment. Such a permit is to be used authority for the transactions, which are subject to the investment control.

“security or public order”

There are two principles, when an intervention was necessary, had Motionär Rieder in the Swiss Council of States said: “first of all, It will intervene if the security or public order of Switzerland is at risk. And secondly, It will be interfered with, if no reciprocity is available.” So, if two countries are not the same opportunities. (cpm/sda)

Created: 03.03.2020, 11:30 a.m.