On the last day before the christmas break should the Parliament take the final position for not less than 20 bill.

as is Tradition, there is spurt in Folketingssalen in the days before the christmas holiday, and Friday will be a busy day, where all the 20 bill must tredjebehandles.

the Parliament shall, among other things, vote on the bill on a new form of seniorpension, which shall enter into force from the new year.

The political agreement has been concluded in the beginning of november and came into existence after a prolonged tug-of-war about who should assess whether the individual citizen is entitled to get seniorpension.

the Compromise was, that the next year will be the municipalities, who must stand for seniorpensionen, after which the system becomes central.

VLAK-the government concluded the agreement in may with the Danish people’s Party and the Radical Left. After the social democrats joined the socialist government in the agreement.

– It is a good feeling, that we carry the agreement into the goal, but we do not believe it is sufficient to solve our challenges with the deprived groups in the labour market.

– There remains a work next year to get a really new right of withdrawal, but it is a step forward for a group in society, says Jesper Petersen, political rapporteur for the Social democrats.

Within julefreden descends over the Palace, then politics must also tredjebehandle a proposal for a new, temporary family allowance for families where one or both parents is affected by the kontanthjælpsloftet and/or integrationsydelsen.

the Agreement gave the opposition an opportunity to accuse the government of backtracking, because the government subsidy raises the benefits for foreigners.

But the backtracking is it not, believe Jesper Petersen.

We said before the election that the general immigration policy must be fixed. But until a new ydelseskommission is ready with a proposal, we will introduce a temporary child benefit to reduce poverty among children in Denmark.

the Grant will apply to mid-2021.

Friday will also vote definitively yes or no to a proposal to reduce but the total cost to run the electric car, like the politicians for the third time to vote on an increase of emballageafgiften on carrier bags and disposable tableware.

In all, the week featured 37 tredjebehandlinger.

Among other things, the budget bill for next year adopted by a broad majority of the Danish Parliament. All parties except the New Civil and Liberal Alliance voted for.

the Liberal Alliance leader Alex Vanopslagh justified this on the grounds that the party cannot support a bill “that makes all danes poorer”.

Also this week adopted a united Parliament on Thursday to amend the aliens act so that children of foreigners can more easily achieve reunification, if the parent living in Denmark.

It means that at least 83 foreign children – including the thai girl Atcharapan “Mint” Yuangyai – all of which have been no to be joined by family members with their mother or father in Denmark, with the change can be allowed to apply again.

Jesper Petersen noted that a wide majority voted for, even though it has been criticised for being a relaxation of immigration laws, he says.

When Friday approaches, there is the christmas break for the door, and offers you in the Party welcome.

– All in Denmark are busy up to christmas, and that’s how it is in the Parliament. It is one of the busiest weeks of the year at all, with very many votes, so it will be good, that it soon is christmas, sounds.

There is a ” no-talk in the Parliament until Tuesday, 7. January.
