Rasmus Paludan had a hard time of it before the election, but party funding ensures Tight Exchange-organization-needed air.

More active members, as well as a good and proper tone of the demonstrations. It is two elements, as party leader Rasmus Paludan will use to guide the firm towards success in Danish policy.

What he states in connection with the party’s rigskongres at Christiansborg palace in copenhagen on Saturday.

– We attach particular importance to the medlemsplejen must be raised, so that there are more active members, he says Saturday in connection with the party’s rigskongres at Christiansborg.

– We will be holding training sessions and conferences for our members.

– But to demonstrate and participate in the torvemøder is part of our dna, so we do also, ” says Rasmus Paludan.

the firm, which was founded in 2017, got 1.8 percent of the votes at the general election 5. June.

The over 63.000 votes to the highly islamkritiske party secured the firm an annual party funding of over two million dollars.

the Money is, according to Paludan, the fall in a dry place Totobo in comparison to be able to lead the project forward towards the next general election.

– It means that both I myself and some others can work full time for the party. It means incredibly much, says Rasmus Paludan, who himself is a lawyer.

– It is no secret that I was a little hard running before the election. It is difficult both to be a lawyer and at the same time be so politically active.

– Therefore, it is a pleasure that I and others can now work full time for the party, he says.

the firm has been known to the public for the party’s demonstrations that sometimes ended in riots.

Among other things, because some have been provoked by that party members have burned the koran of.

the Rasmus Paludan suggests that firm-demonstrations as the starting point must be done in a peaceful manner in the near future.

– We think the right starting point is that we in the next months going back to the starting point from 2018.

– Namely that we keep the good tone and mine all the way through, no matter how much “nyadelige” people say nasty words, both in Arabic and English.

– simply to avoid the slanderous allegations that the firm and Rasmus Paludan, when we are out in residential areas, the harm to the residents to complete without the rise, says the redecorate.
