The police union (GdP) fears that the federal government’s cannabis plans will result in a significant additional burden. The draft bill of the Federal Ministry of Health lacks precision and foresight, said the deputy GdP federal chairman Alexander Poitz of the editorial network Germany.
“Nowhere in the paper is it clear how the expected increased technical and personnel effort by the police and other authorities is to be managed.” Poitz said: “I do not hope that the Federal Ministry of Health believes that our colleagues would measure the required 200-meter distance between a consumer and a daycare center with a ruler.”
According to the plans, the possession of up to 25 grams of cannabis for over 18-year-olds and the cultivation of a maximum of three plants for personal use should be permitted. It is not allowed to smoke weed in public within a distance of up to 200 meters from schools, daycare centers, playgrounds or sports fields.