The Baden-Württemberg Finance Minister Danyal Bayaz (Greens) sees the agreements between the federal and state governments on the latest relief package as an important decision for the south-west. Bayaz said on Thursday in Stuttgart: “Finally there is an agreement. That was extremely important. Anything else could not have been conveyed to the people.” It is now crucial that gas and electricity price brakes come quickly so that the relief can also be felt. The concrete financial effects of the relief package for the country were initially unclear.
Bayaz went on to say that the resolutions are a major challenge for state and municipal budgets. “It will be anything but easy. We will have to make do with significantly less money than necessary from Berlin, both for the accommodation of refugees and for local public transport.”
The federal and state governments agreed on Wednesday evening that the states would co-finance some of the relief measures in the wake of the energy crisis as a result of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, but in return would also receive more money from the federal government for local transport and the accommodation of refugees. The relief is about the expansion of housing benefit. The design of the planned energy price brake was also discussed. “We’ll join hands and we’ll solve our country’s problems together,” said Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) after the meeting. The agreement on the financing of relief measures was prepared very carefully and then found quickly.