The Ministry of Family and Equal Opportunities announces 761 places for permanent residents and collaboration scholarships in the youth residences dependent on the Castilla y León Youth Institute for the 2022-2023 academic year, according to an order published today in the Official Gazette of the Community (Bocyl). Of these, 16 correspond to collaboration scholarships, under a competitive concurrence regime, for permanent residents. All of them are distributed in seven provinces and in eight residences: Arturo Duperier in Ávila, Gil de Siloé in Burgos, Doña Sancha in León, Castilla in Palencia, Emperor Teodosio in Segovia, Antonio Machado and Gaya Nuño Residence in Soria and Doña Urraca in Zamora. .

In addition, up to a maximum of 15 percent of the places called are reserved, among others, for young athletes and people involved in their training, young people in disadvantaged situations, participants in integration programs, at the request of the entities and associations that act in this area and who are registered in the corresponding public registries and young women who are victims of gender violence, at the proposal of the competent management center in matters of gender violence.

In addition, another 30 percent of the places are directed in each residence for those applicants who are part of large families from Castilla y León and descendants of Castilian and Leon residents abroad, among other groups.

The recipients of these places are young students or workers between 18 and 26 years old, residents of the Community. In the case of the former, they must have passed at least 50 percent of the credits or subjects of the previous course.

The places announced differentiate, in each of the youth residences, between the ordinary ones and those destined for people with reduced mobility who, in this call, will be able to opt for 32, guaranteeing total accessibility to the centers, by means of ramps or elevators, in a that all residents can be autonomous and can fully enjoy residential life.

In the call published by the Bocyl, the 16 collaborator places that are offered stand out, two in each residence, which can be requested by young people who, having been residents in previous courses, carry out a project to revitalize the youth facility and collaborate with the Management of the center in the development of activities, in the provision of services and in internal matters.

The passage of time has made it possible to verify that this figure is “essential for the correct functioning of the residences owned by the Board, becoming a fundamental part in the correct development of life in the residential community.” To compensate for their effort, they will be given a discount on the price, paying the minimum fee of 115.80 euros in a shared room and 133.17 euros in a single room.

The collaborators will support the management of the residence by participating in programs to promote and organize recreational and cultural activities, they will resolve any doubts that the residents may have about the operation of the residence and about the internal regulations of said residence.

On the other hand, the Board has designed a bonus to recognize young students from Castilla y León with a certain level of academic excellence. The objective is to reward and reward the merits based on the effort and work of students with excellent academic performance, thus demonstrating the spirit on the part of the Autonomous Government to retain young talent, facilitating them as much as possible to pursue their studies within of your Community. As with collaborators, these residents will pay the minimum fee.

The Board also records its support for the sport of the Community in this call, enabling a discount for young athletes who will pay the minimum fee.

These bonuses are intended to recognize and reward the work and effort of young people, especially those residents who collaborate with the Directorate of youth residences in the development of activities and in the provision of services within said facilities, to those who have with an excellent academic career and those who combine their studies with high-level sports practice.

The period of stay in the youth residences will be between September 4, 2022 and June 30, 2023. After the ordinary exams, those who have not finished their academic activity due to extraordinary exams, may continue as hostels whenever there is availability. .

These centers of the Junta de Castilla y León offer accommodation and maintenance services on a continuous basis to the young people selected as permanent residents, as well as cleaning rooms, bathrooms and common areas and make washing and drying machines available to them. . Residents also have the possibility of practicing sports activities by having a gym or sports courts.

The prices for the stay in the residences are 539.13 euros per month in a shared room and 620 in a single room, without detriment to the application of the corresponding discounts indicated.

The request for these places can be made during 20 business days from the day following the publication of the call in the Bocyl, that is, from June 7 to July 4, 2022.