The telecommunications services company Ezentis has summoned its shareholders on June 16 for an ordinary meeting in which, among other points, the limitation to seven members of the board of directors will be discussed.

These may collect a total of 800,000 euros per year as a whole, half of the remuneration received by the members of the body during the past year.

Likewise, the re-election of the director of Applied Economics at the University of Malaga, María Isabel Sánchez Tejeda, as proprietary director for a period of four years on behalf of the Agency for Innovation and Development of Andalusia (Junta de Andalucía) has been proposed.

The agenda of the shareholders’ meeting includes other aspects such as the power to carry out a capital increase, issue bonds or implement a treasury stock program by the firm’s board.

The approval of the annual accounts and management report will also be voted on, as well as the re-election of KPMG as auditors and a reform of the company’s bylaws that will mainly affect the functions and size of the board of directors.

The cessation of activity in several South American markets such as Chile and Peru has led to a 12% drop in revenue for the firm between January and March, to a total of 83 million euros invoiced.