It has been a matter of course for Emilie Mattsson to look for small yellow limits, when she is past its three horses stand in a corral in the town of Strib in Middelfart.

“It also happens often that I find small skudmærker on them,” she says.

Now is the gal again – and this time it can have a big impact for the animals.

Sunday morning came a female inmate from the city past the Emilie Mattssons residence. She goes often walk with his dog along the road, where the area with the three horses, Bella, Thildur and Vidir, goes.

“She told me, to the horses’ tails were gone,” says the 24-year-old hesteejer with irritation in his voice.

a Few hours before – at about five in the morning – had her father been by the area where the horses stand. There was nothing to note.

It has also been in the period between the hours of 5.00 and 10.00, but even though there are a number of houses around the horses ‘ enclosure, so nobody has seen anything.

“It makes me sad that such a thing can happen. It is not very fun,” says Emilie Mattssons.

One of the horses have been clipped so much of the tail, that it is just millimeters from the that you have cut something of the caudal peduncle, Nerobet which would be painful for the horse.

Emilie Mattssons family has had horses and other animals walking in the area in almost 50 years.

“It’s actually only the past year, we have seen that people will make the horses hurt,” she says.

Now it has become so comprehensive, that it can have serious consequences for the horses ‘ health.

“This is the second time that any rocks in their tails. But this time it was extra bad,” says Emilie Mattssons.

She explains that it will take up to four years before the tails grow back.

A tail, which is necessary for the horse – especially in the summer, where they use it to protect themselves from insects and other small animals. They use it to range vermin and flies away, and it they can not, when the tail is so short, as it is now.

it Can not, it increases the risk of infections and the like around and in the horse’s buttocks. And it can be even worse.

“If it gets really bad, so we must ask the horses into the barn all summer, she says.

do you Do it, so will the risk of infection is reduced. However, is the horse an animal that needs to move outdoors, otherwise they become stressed and lose the happiness.

Finally, the lack of fresh air and the heating temperature develop into hudeksem. A disease of the horse never comes back, when it first occurs.

“We need to think about the horses well,” says a crestfallen Emilie Mattssons.

Right now she drives past the fence five times a day, and hope that the horses will get through the summer without permanent injury.

“we cannot do any More right now,” she says.

Emilie Mattssons and her father reported the incident to The Police. But without tracks, so it’s a case that will be hard to unravel.

As it looks now, so they can not do otherwise than to hope it does not happen again.