It is a crime like something out of a bad movie. In August 2016, a Swiss woman is said to have given the murder of her own mother in order. It says So in the indictment, which was made available to the media yesterday available. As reason for fact, the state’s attorney calls “pure greed”. The mother was for several years in the retirement age, but she was still employed, and they earned well.

The daughter was expecting after the death of the mother, with a heritage of several million francs. The killer promised a carrying out a share of the hoped-for money: 300’000 Swiss francs he was to receive for the act. They presented him with a key to the house of the mother, described to him where their bedroom was, and where he money, Bank cards and valuables would be able to find.

Before the fact, driving instruction

The man, a 36-year-old construction worker, hired in turn, a five-year-younger bartender as an accomplice. Third in Federal with a nearly 30-year-old motorcycle mechanic was. This rented on the day of the crime, the main perpetrators of a Mini Cooper, with the two of them went to the place of residence of the victim. Sat at the wheel of a construction worker. As it is described in the indictment.

Because of the construction workers had no ticket – the road traffic authority had denied him several times with a learner’s permit – organised by the mechanic belonged in addition, on the day before the fact, a kind of test-drive a Mini Cooper, which is the customer. The mechanic and the construction workers stole in the underground garage at the place of residence of the client, the license plates of other cars, the Mini the client was not redeemed.

With a transparent sheet and a pillow

The death suffocated must have been for the victim in agony. The construction workers and the bartender should have the woman a piece of cling film, and possibly also a pillow over the mouth and nose until she suffocated to death. Then they searched the house of the victim and took items such as watches, an unknown amount of cash as well as Bank cards and ran away. On the same day of the construction worker bought with a Bank card for which he had given a contractor, the Code for 1600 francs in a fashion transaction, then he took off within a few days on various machines for almost 30’000 Swiss francs.

So in any case, the indictment describes the events of those days in August 2016. From the 23. March must be the responsibility of the accused in the district court in miles for their actions; the process should last a whole week. Until the final judgment, the presumption of innocence applies. What punishment the Prosecutor requested for the four accused, is not yet known. The process is not public, because the client has a minor child. Are allowed only to the accredited media representatives.

The promised money, the two killer is not received by the way. “As a result of arrest and blocking of the accounts” no longer will be able to pay the subsidiary the amount, according to the indictment.

Created: 10.03.2020, 17:57 PM