Swedish cinema joins animation with ‘Mama Mou returns home’, focused on the adventures of a traveling stork, who makes a stop along the way to rest on a farm. There, this mom wonders what the word home really means. How can she be sure that the meadow and farm where she lives are really her home? What if there was a better place to live somewhere else in this vast world? Keep in mind that the castle does not make the lord. Be that as it may, she is accompanied by a raven determined to show her soulmate that she doesn’t always live better elsewhere. Which gives rise to a necessary lesson of coexistence and respect.

The sense of friendship, loyalty, the transmission of cultural values, as well as solidarity, in the broadest and noblest sense of the term, are topics treated in this film with bonhomie and tenderness, easy for small people to assume. The different animals that parade across the big screen are very endearing, including a dairy cow ready to give cartwheels at the first opportunity. It is as if, sometimes, in the walks along the paths of all these wonderful beings, in the stretch that goes from the home to the field, the angels appeared to them. To the point of standing there in awe, like a blaze of white lilies.