There are 42,249 cases registered in the last 24 hours in Italy, with 115 deaths. 294,611 swabs performed. The positivity rate was 14.3%, down by -0.7%. There is also a decrease in admissions to intensive care (-20 places) and to ordinary wards (-167).

On Tuesday there were 56,015 infections and 158 victims. The decline is also felt on a weekly basis: last Wednesday the new positives were 47,039, about 10% more.

The reduction of Covid patients in hospitals continues: in one week the number of hospitalized patients fell overall by 7.5%. This is what emerges from the survey of sentinel hospitals of the Italian Federation of Healthcare and Hospitals. In the week 3-10 May, subject of the latest monitoring, a greater decrease in hospitalizations was recorded than in the previous week, April 26-May 3, when the reduction was 5.7%. pediatric hospitalizations. In the survey of 10 May in the four pediatric hospitals and in the pediatric wards of the hospitals belonging to the Fiaso sentinel network, a reduction of patients equal to 26.5% was observed. Children up to 4 years are still the majority of hospitalized, that is 50% of patients (23% have between 0 and 6 months); between 5 and 11 years 34% of hospitalized while 16% are between 12 and 18 years.

In particular – underlines Fiaso – the number of Covid hospitalized in ordinary wards fell sharply (-9%). The situation in intensive care was opposite, where patients increased by 11 units. The small jump in resuscitation figures can, however, be explained by the bucking peak seen 15 days ago, just after Easter.

They are shrinking in size, but some Covid outbreaks in prisons are still active. The most noticeable drop is in the Regina Coeli penitentiary in Rome, where positive inmates dropped to 32 from over 200 last month. Cases in the Prato prison have also decreased sharply: they were 87 five days ago, yesterday they were reduced to 24. The outbreaks in the Porto Azzurro prison – which remains the main in size with 73 positive inmates – and in Cosenza with 57 cases.

From 16 May there will no longer be the obligation to wear a mask on European flights. This is what we read in the new recommendations of the European Union Agency for Aviation Safety (Easa) and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (Ecdc) which, despite the announced easing, specify that the mask ” it is still one of the best protections against the transmission of Covid-19 “. France has also announced that masks will no longer be mandatory on the country’s means of transport from next Monday.