The CEO of the hospital company (DKG), Gerald Gaß, has warned of a hard winter in view of the increasing number of corona infections. “There are higher numbers of infections again, there are also more Covid-positive patients in the intensive care units,” said Gass of the “Rheinische Post”. Due to the lack of “absolute” immunity against corona, there will “always be outbreaks of infection”.

However, Gass did not want to speak of a new corona wave at the moment. All of this is still at such a low level “that we shouldn’t be talking about a wave”.

With increasing cooler temperatures, however, the DKG chairman expects many other diseases. “For the autumn and winter, we assume that, like last year, there will be further catch-up effects from other respiratory diseases,” he said.

In order to prevent stress in the hospitals, it is therefore important “that as many people as possible get vaccinated against the flu”. Healthcare workers, risk patients and relatives in particular should keep their vaccination status for corona and influenza up to date.