Complaints for crimes and offenses against “LGBT” people (lesbians, gays, transgender bisexuals, intersex, asexuals, etc.) increased by 28% in France in 2021. This is the finding made by the Ministry of the Interior on Monday. in a press release, after an annual study conducted on the subject. If we take into account the year 2019, which preceded the Covid-19 health crisis, the increase is reduced to 12%.

In 2021, a year marked by the extension of the health crisis, the police recorded 3,790 attacks committed due to sexual orientation or gender identity, reports a note from the Ministry’s Statistical Service. In detail, 2,170 crimes and offenses and 1,620 fines have been recorded against gays, bi and trans, by the police and the gendarmerie throughout the territory.

A majority of insults and defamation

How do these damages manifest? They mostly take the form of insults or defamation (59%). These attacks take place, most of the time, in public places, in urban areas and mainly affect men (73% in 2021) and young people under 30 (51%), specifies the press release from the ministry.

Read also“I quickly understood that my life would be very hard”: victims of homophobic attacks testify

The filing of a complaint remains a process very little done by the victims, still reminds Place Beauvau. About 20% of victims of “anti-LGBT” threats or violence say they have filed a complaint on average over the period 2012-2018, according to the Living Environment and Safety Survey. This rate drops to 5% for insults.