This survey was conducted in 27 centers that are authorized to perform gamete donation (spermatozoa, oocytes), and self-preservation, outside of a medical indication. It serves as a measure of the impact of the bioethics law allowing medically assisted reproduction (AMP) since its implementation on September 29, 2021.

Eight months after the launch of assisted reproduction, the number continues to rise. In fact, 5126 requests for initial consultations for assisted reproduction were received in the first quarter 2022. These were for couples of women and unmarried women. Surprisingly, 53% of these requests are from single women and 47% come from married couples.

There are now 2,562 treatments, which is an increase in the number of consultations. 854 treatments per month in 2022, as compared to 653 treatments per month between October 16th and December 31st 2021. This is why the number of treatments is increasing rapidly.

The deadlines are extended due to the increase in requests. It varies from one center to another, according to the study. The average lead time at March 2022 was 13.6 months, which is an increase of 1.6 month compared to 2021.

The monitoring committee also noted a strong rise in the demand for self-preservation of the gametes, if not otherwise indicated by a physician. In six months, it has nearly doubled for women: 2,553 people made an appointment to receive a consultation about self-storage of their eggs (i.e. 851 per month, compared to 1,464 during the last quarter 2021 (i.e. 587 per month). Even though the number of men seeking consultations is declining, 47 have already requested an initial consultation to preserve their spermatozoa. This compares to 44 at the beginning of 2021.