Minister of foreign Affairs of the Meuse and the Minister of the environment, Schulze is calling for more ambitious objectives of the EU in climate protection. At the climate conference in Madrid at the beginning of December, an additional reduction in the greenhouse gas should be decided-emissions.

the Federal environment Minister, Svenja Schulze wants to fight the Federal government for significantly more ambitious climate targets using the European Union. Federal foreign Minister Heiko Maas agreed with his party colleague in.

Schulze said that the EU should take in the fight against global warming through greenhouse gas emissions “a key role”. Therefore, Germany should advocate at EU Deneme bonusu level for significantly higher targets, and the future EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen support.

“The Federal government must play a leading Avrupabet role in a Minister Maass expressed his”

outside similar: “the power of Persuasion we have, if we as rich people, our in-house economies of the tasks themselves”. With the refinement of its climate target to miss for 2020, Germany has lost, however, credibility, admitted Maas. Now it is necessary to create the Federal government, “the goals it has set itself, finally, to comply with and to be a pioneer”.

so Far, the EU is committed to reduce emissions by 2030 by 40 percent compared to 1990. The future EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wants to increase the target to 50 or 55 percent.

the Madrid conference on climate change to results

On 2 bring. December begins the United Nations climate change conference in Madrid. The climate agreement of Paris provides that the member States are sharpening their climate protection plans for the coming year. In the run-up to the various countries, including the Netherlands, had made an increase of 55 percent. The 40-percent target is exceeded, the EU is expected, if already adopted laws are implemented.

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