It’s summer in Germany. The time when small or large columns of smoke rise from almost every garden and terrace at the weekend. Because one thing is clear: a juicy grilled rump steak goes with a chilled Pilsner. Basta. But even the fine meat from organic farmers leaves ugly black marks on the grill. every time You could get rid of them immediately after eating with little effort. But who likes to do that on a warm summer night when friends are visiting and the kids are in bed. Late at night, the grill often just stands there or disappears in the garage, in the shed or under a tarpaulin, dirty with ash and grease. The problem: The sticky black-brown fat and leftover food from the evening solidifies overnight and can then only be removed with a great deal of effort. Unless you know a trick with which the grill grate will shine in its old glory in no time at all, even after a few days. Do not you know? We do.

As difficult as it may be: If you want to enjoy your grill and grate for as many years as possible, you have to go back to it after the last beer. But don’t worry, the wire brush can stay where it is late at night. For the best-known, but also the most effective trick, the lazy grill master only needs his two hands and a piece of lawn. Grab the grill grate and place it in the grass. If the air temperature drops below the dew point overnight, the excess water from the air condenses on the blades of grass. So you simply soak the dirty grid. In the warm, humid meadow, even stubborn meat scraps come off the grill. The griller might be hungover the morning after – all you need is a rag and sponge to wipe the last charred scraps of lamb chops off the stainless steel struts.

Even though gas grills have been on the rise for years – traditionalists swear by the traditional charcoal grill. You can certainly have excellent discussions about the taste of the food to be grilled, roasted aromas and similar things. It is undisputed that a charcoal grill is much more difficult to clean than a gas grill. For our second tip, keep a small supply of (traditional) newsprint (not magazines) near the grill. After grilling, soak a few leaves in water, wrap the grate in several layers and leave the whole thing overnight.Important: Let the dirty grill grate cool down before you pack it up.The next morning, a cloth and something are enough warm water with a squirt of dish soap to prep the grill for the next party. The newspaper acts like a sponge, soaking the charred dirt overnight.

Yes, the encrusted grill can also be cleaned with the cold ashes. Experienced grill masters should have guessed that this is not a clean affair. Background: As early as 2500 BC, people found out that mixing ashes and water produces an alkaline solution, i.e. a lye. The ash pulp has fat-dissolving and abrasive properties similar to soap. If you still want to use the ash after grilling and don’t want to dump it all on the compost, dip an old damp cloth in it and rub the grate with the ash solution. Because ash is also suitable as a fertiliser, the grill grate can then be carefully rinsed with clear water over a flower or vegetable bed. Fans of gas grilling replace the ashes with a portion of coffee grounds – but otherwise proceed in the same way.

Sources: “”; “”

Charcoal grill test: Click here for a charcoal grill comparison.

Contact grill test: Click here for a contact grill comparison.

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