The Government of Castilla-La Mancha is going to implement, in the next school year 2022-2023, a total of 49 new training cycles -up to a total of 979- and seven new vocational training specialization courses, all of them focused on sectors and services with a high degree of labor insertion.

There will be 925 Vocational Training cycles that, next year, will be taught in Castilla-La Mancha in the face-to-face mode and 54 in the distance mode, with a total of 127 different degrees of Intermediate Degree, Higher Degree and Basic Degree. Teachings that will reach some 42,000 male and female students throughout the Autonomous Community, 2,000 more than this school year, which represents an increase of five percent.

This was announced this Wednesday by the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports, Rosa Ana Rodríguez, during the presentation of the FP educational offer in which she was accompanied by the general director of Vocational Training, Maite Company.

As regards the specialization courses, the head of Education, Culture and Sports, has explained that with the seven new ones there will be 28 courses that will be developed in 21 educational centers of the Autonomous Community, the Board has informed in a note of press.

The counselor has described this offer as “ambitious” “which comes to complement the one we have been implementing both in this course and in previous courses.”

The details of it will be published this Thursday in several resolutions in the Official Gazette of Castilla-La Mancha.

The head of Education, Culture and Sports has assured that this implementation will involve an investment of more than 1.5 million euros in equipment and the forecast is that, thanks to these new cycles and courses, “2,340 new places will be created, of which 1,500 will be for the new training cycles and 840 places for specialization courses”.

Rodríguez has indicated that all this training offer responds, on the one hand, to the objectives of the new Vocational Training Law, which seeks to strengthen and develop updated intermediate training in accordance with the demands of the current labor market; and, on the other, with the objective of the regional government to continue to structure the territory, since the new cycles and specialization courses “will be implemented throughout our region, in all the provinces and in the different counties”.

Vocational Training, the counselor assured, “I have long ceased to be considered the younger sister of Teaching and today it is, at all levels, a teaching that has the same prestige as any other that is taught in our region ».

In fact, it has experienced “very important growth in Castilla-La Mancha in recent years.”

Proof of this, he added, is that, «since 2015, the number of training cycles offered has increased by 26 percent, going from 777 training cycles to 979 offered for the next course. And the student body has gone from about 30,000 students, who were in vocational training in the 2015-2016 academic year, to about 42,000 that are expected for the next academic year, which means 12,000 more male and female students».

Regarding the new cycles, Rodríguez has indicated that of the 49 new ones that are going to be implemented, a total of 43 will be taught in the face-to-face modality and another six in the distance modality.

They are focused, he has detailed, “towards the sectors that have better job opportunities such as digitization and cybersecurity; computing and communications; automatic manufacturing, health and care services; environment; industrial maintenance or commerce, among others».

One of the most notable novelties of this offer, Rodríguez pointed out, is its extension to Adult Education centres.

Thus, if this academic year a pilot offer began with the implementation of two intermediate degrees in two centers in Albacete and Azuqueca de Henares, in the 2022-2023 academic year “this offer will be extended to eight more training cycles, three intermediate degrees and five of basic grade, which will be developed in Adult Education Centers distributed throughout the region».

These cycles range from computing, to dependency assistance, commerce, hospitality and maintenance or administrative services.

For Rodríguez, this initiative “reveals the commitment of the President of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, and his Government to also offer adults an educational offer in the field of Vocational Training.”

All of them, he stated, “are aimed at training VET students in strategic sectors for the regional economy, such as industrial additive manufacturing (a manufacturing method whose objective is to produce items instantly with a digital model and without the need for molds). ), which is used in sectors such as aeronautics; collaborative robotics; artificial intelligence; the maintenance of hybrid and electric vehicles or the development of video games, among others».

These courses are a very specific type of training, which is aimed at students who have completed their Vocational Training studies and which provide them with a highly demanded specialization within the different professional families according to the new labor demands.

In addition, those who carry them out obtain a qualification that accredits them and facilitates their access to specialized jobs in better conditions.

In the case of carrying out a higher degree, the title of professional training master is obtained, and of specialist for those who carry out intermediate level courses.

After the publications of the resolutions of this training offer tomorrow, Thursday, the counselor pointed out, the different admission processes are opened.

The calls will begin to be published at the end of this month and the application periods will begin during the months of June and July, depending on each one of them.

Finally, Rodríguez has also encouraged citizens to participate in the procedures for accreditation of professional skills acquired through work experience and other non-formal training channels that, for the first time, aims to facilitate the accreditation of these skills on a massive scale.

For this, he recalled, a permanent procedure for the recognition of competences is open, whatever the professional field in which the person has maintained their professional experience, «to date, some 3,000 people are participating, with more than 20,000 units of competence requested.