The regional coordinator of Ciudadanos in Castilla-La Mancha, Carmen Picazo, has shown her support for the orange formation in Tobarra (Albacete) to urge the rest of the opposition groups in that town to present an alternative to the mayor of the PSOE, Amparo Ballesteros, after losing a matter of confidence that he presented linked to the approval of the 2022 budgets.

On a visit to Tobarra (Albacete) together with the provincial deputy of Cs, Agapita García, and the recently appointed local coordinator of Cs Albacete, Ana Martínez, Picazo has considered that if the socialist mayor “does not have the confidence, she should go” encouraging the opposition groups to “be brave, because it is necessary to reverse the mismanagement of the Tobarra government team,” Cs reported in a statement.

“We have always sought agreement and consensus above differences, and the residents of Tobarra know it,” highlighted the regional coordinator of the orange formation, who has appealed to the opposition to join Cs “to open a new stage in Tobarra».

In his opinion, the residents of the town “do not deserve to continue one more minute with this government team that has lost the majority in the city council and the confidence of the Tobarreños”, above all, the spokesman for Citizens in the City Council of Tobarra, after using “a ruse, which is to link the question of trust to the budgets” that, moreover, “has gone wrong.”

“It is time to be brave, and start reversing an unsustainable situation for Tobarra because he deserves a person in the mayor’s office who does not use the City Council as if it were his property,” said the councilor of Cs, who has recalled that, After losing the confidence of the plenary session, now “a procedure is started that may mean that Tobarra begins to have the management it needs.”