The town of Candeleda from Avila registered this Friday the highest temperature in the Community with 39.4 degrees, ahead of Saelices El Chico (Salamanca), where the thermometers rose to 36.6 degrees. In Vitigudino (Salamanca) 36 degrees were reached; in Zamora 35.5 degrees and in Fuente el Sol (Valladolid) the mercury rose to 35.4 degrees.

In the whole of Spain, according to the control network of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet), the maximum corresponded to Badajoz with 41.6 degrees. They also exceeded 40 in Mérida, Seville, Córdoba and Morón de la Frontera (Seville).

For tomorrow, when temperatures are expected to continue rising and reach 35 degrees in Valladolid, Zamora, Palencia and Salamanca, and 32 in Ávila, Burgos, Soria and Segovia, on a day with very high minimum temperatures and that in the case of Valladolid will not drop below 20 degrees, the Aemet forecasts storms in all the provinces of the Community that in the case of Palencia, León and Burgos could leave abundant rainfall.

The heat wave will intensify on Sunday, the 12th, when the warnings for high temperatures will be activated in the south of Ávila, Salamanca, Zamora and Valladolid, when exceeding 36 degrees. Among the provincial capitals, Zamora will be the hottest with 38 degrees, while in Palencia and Valladolid it will reach 37. In León and Salamanca the thermometers will rise to 36 degrees and in Burgos they will stay at 35, one more than in Segovia . Soria, with 32 degrees and Ávila, with 33, will be the capitals with the lowest maximums.

According to Aemet forecasts, the heat wave will intensify as the week progresses and by Thursday, the 16th, in Valladolid and Zamora it could reach 41 degrees, while in Palencia, Salamanca and León they will stay at 40 The lowest temperatures will correspond to Ávila and Segovia with 37 degrees. For that day, the minimum will range between 24 in Valladolid and 18 in Burgos.