Jorge Buxade (Vice President of Political Action, MEP of VOX) has been to Seville this Sunday after his Saturday visit to Almeria, where he participated in a public act. He sent a clear message to the PSOE, the unions, and said that they would return every 50-bill, starting at 100, and 500 euros stolen from the Andalusians.

After blaming the PP for failing to comply with the 2018 investiture agreements, Buxade made the following statements. Instead of asking the PSOE or the class unions for the return of stolen funds, Buxade made these statements. MEP also rejected the fact that 54 inefficient public bodies were found after an audit. “Not one” has been closed.

He explained the VOX program which consists in reducing political spending and assured that they would reduce subsidies to media “that do work for the PP or the PSOE.” We have four years to shut down the beach bars and stop the parallel administration.

The VOX vice president has stated that the PSOE has “copied from the Pujols as well as the separatists”. He has also denounced the fact that Andalusians and all Spaniards are “subjected” to so many taxes (fees. Personal income tax. “They have to live the story because you have to pay them.”

He warned that “civil servants in the administration” will be admitted starting June 19. He explained that “we want a Spain where we can be proud of the achievements of our elders.”

He also failed to mention the Andalusian healthcare system. There, Andalusians are placed on a waiting list for surgery and “illegals” have a health card. “We will give the data to State Security Forces and Bodies in order to expel those who have been here illegally.” She pointed out that minors can be accompanied by their families and older people can go wherever they like.

Javier Cortes, head of the VOX for the Andalusian Parlament for Seville, assured Espadas that the electoral program with Espadas should be a payment schedule, in which the Andalusians will be repaid the hundreds of millions stolen from them by the socialists.

VOX is aiming to make “a real difference that guarantees young people a decent tomorrow that allows them and their families to stay in their homeland.” The VOX candidate argued that Andalusia requires a reindustrialization to allow industries that are currently passing us by to see us as a country of opportunities. To achieve this, “we must offer real security that ends crime’s impunity, remove bureaucratic barriers, improve communications, and promote a significant real reduction in taxes.”

Cortes stated, “In the face left that looks the other direction in the face insecurity, allows narcoflats and encourages illicit squatting. Only VOX guarantees safe neighbourhoods and defends private land and kicks squatters off the ass from the first minute.”