Editor’s note: This article is continually updated.

In the search for six-year-old Arian in Bremervörde in northern Lower Saxony, the emergency services will use a “quiet strategy” on Saturday night. A police spokeswoman said this on Friday evening. On previous nights, fireworks were set off because the boy liked them. The police hoped that this would give them a lead on the boy. The operational strategy will be discussed with many people, said the police spokeswoman – including an autism expert.

According to a police spokeswoman, the German army will search for the boy with around 200 soldiers on Saturday night. Night vision devices will be used to assist the search, and the soldiers will be deployed in small groups.

Arian has been missing since Monday evening. Hundreds of emergency services have been combing the area around Elm, the six-year-old’s hometown, for days. Given the low temperatures of the past few days, the search has become a race against time. A surveillance camera filmed the boy running towards an adjacent forest after disappearing from his parents’ house. According to police, Arian is autistic and does not respond to speech.

The police have set up a tip line and released pictures of Arian. More information about this here.