Krumbach, Bavaria: A resident of the Swabian district of Günzburg couldn’t believe his eyes when he discovered a strange construction made of a battery and several wires on his front door. He immediately alerted the police after the discovery on Saturday evening. Since it could not be ruled out that it could be a home-made explosive device, the special technical group of the State Criminal Police Office in Munich was also called in, as the officials reported on Sunday.

However, the investigation quickly revealed that it was a nasty joke: According to the information, an acquaintance of the man had attached the dummy bomb to the door of the house in Krumbach to scare him. The device was completely harmless. The polluter must expect a display and possibly also pay for the costs of the operation, it said.

Source: DPA

Riedhausen, Baden-Württemberg: A festival visitor in Baden-Württemberg accidentally set himself on fire when lighting a grill bowl and suffered severe burns. As the police announced on Sunday, the 21-year-old wanted to set the grill bowl on fire with a piece of cloth soaked in petrol on the camping site of the Woodstoig Festival in Riedhausen (Ravensburg district). He held the piece of cloth in one hand and a can of petrol in the other hand. When he threw the scraps into the embers, a flash of fire developed, according to the information. Startled by this, the man accidentally spilled petrol from the canister onto his T-shirt, which immediately caught fire. The burning man rolled on the grass and was able to put out the flames on his body. Paramedics took him to the hospital with second-degree burns to his torso and right hand.

Source: DPA

Euskirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia: Previously unknown perpetrators emptied eight bottles of washing-up liquid in a fountain in the pedestrian zone of Euskirchen, southwest of Bonn, causing a huge carpet of foam. The city turned off the well on Saturday to stop further foaming. The fire brigade removed the foam, the police said on Sunday. An investigation into property damage was launched. The video surveillance is currently being evaluated and witnesses are being sought. The officers discovered the empty bottles of washing-up liquid in a trash can.

Source: DPA

Regensburg, Bavaria: A 38-year-old was injured with a knife in an altercation between two men near Regensburg’s main train station. The police searched for the two men after the incident on Saturday afternoon and arrested a 39-year-old in Nuremberg, the police said. Officers also seized the suspected murder weapon. A judge is due to decide on Sunday whether to issue an investigative warrant against him. Accordingly, there is a suspicion of attempted manslaughter. The police have not yet been able to locate his 37-year-old opponent. He is known by name. The investigations are ongoing.

pictures of the day

According to the police, the two men are acquaintances and got into an argument in the afternoon for reasons that have not yet been clarified. The 39-year-old is said to have stabbed and hit the younger man several times. When the 38-year-old woman intervened, she suffered cuts on her face, after which the two men fled. The woman was taken to a hospital and released after treatment.

Source: DPA

Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Lower Saxony: The fire brigade rescued a heron from a tree in Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Lower Saxony. The bird had become entangled in the string of a kite, as the volunteer fire brigade announced on Sunday. As a result, he got caught in the tree about ten meters up. Local residents noticed the animal, which could not free itself, and alerted the emergency services. The fire brigade came with a turntable ladder and freed the heron. The cord was wrapped around his feet and a wing, it said. The heron is now in a zoo for further care.

What: AFP

Eschwege, Hessen: When trying to prepare fries in a pot, a 15-year-old in Eschwege (Werra-Meißner district) set the kitchen on fire. As the police announced on Saturday, the fire on Friday evening caused damage of around 50,000 euros. Nobody got hurt. Fire brigades from Eschwege and neighboring districts extinguished the fire. Police say the house is currently uninhabitable.

Source: DPA

Überlingen, Baden-Württemberg: In a brawl in Baden-Württemberg, a 33-year-old bit off a piece of his ear from his 28-year-old opponent. The police announced on Saturday that the two hit each other in front of a restaurant early in the morning in Überlingen (Bodenseekreis) until they fell to the ground. There, the older man bit off a third of the other man’s ear. The victim was hospitalized as a result. The reasons for the dispute were initially unclear. Both men were drunk, according to police.

Source: DPA

Neubrandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Unknown persons stole a rainbow flag at Neubrandenburg train station on the night of Saturday and hoisted a forbidden swastika flag. After a passerby pointed this out, the police secured the flag with the Nazi symbol, a police spokeswoman said. State security is investigating suspected use of license plates from unconstitutional organizations.

Three flags usually hang at Neubrandenburg train station, including a state flag for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and the rainbow flag as a sign of diversity. However, the latter has been stolen and replaced several times in the past.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania’s Minister of the Interior Christian level (SPD) expressed outrage at the new act. “The swastika stands for the worst crimes against humanity that have ever emanated from German soil – to hoist them is not only a crime, but inhuman and clearly anti-constitutional,” criticized level on Saturday. He added: “Anyone who hoists it places himself outside of our society, wants to fight the free-democratic basic order and makes unbearable mockery of the victims of National Socialist tyranny.”

Source: DPA

Berlin: After the excitement about violence in Berlin’s outdoor pools, the situation has eased, according to the police. This also applies to the Columbiabad in Berlin-Neukölln, which closed for a few days after the riot and reopened in mid-July. “There were no noteworthy, police-related incidents during the observation period,” said the police at the request of the German Press Agency. In addition to ID checks and new mobile police stations that are deployed when necessary, the rainy weather, which depressed visitor numbers, may have contributed to this.

Because of violence, scuffles and unruly bathers, there were police operations in several Berlin outdoor pools at the beginning of July. A political debate about countermeasures followed – from police checks in or at the baths to summary proceedings for violent offenders on the same day. The police responded with mobile guards at the baths. She puts a lot of effort into this: According to her own statements, she has had around 580 employees on duty since mid-June. In addition, baths would be approached by the usual patrols.

Previously, the Berlin bathing establishments had already drawn a positive balance of the identification requirement they had introduced for open-air and lido baths. “The situation in the outdoor pools has calmed down significantly,” said pool manager Johannes Kleinsorg on Thursday.

Source: DPA

Springe, Lower Saxony: Six people were injured in a traffic accident near Hanover, some of them seriously. Including a four-year-old child who was flown to a hospital with life-threatening injuries, the police said. According to initial findings, two cars collided head-on on a country road near Springe on Friday afternoon. One of the vehicles then overturned from the force of the impact and came to rest against a tree.

According to police, the 36-year-old driver, a 30-year-old woman and three children aged two, four and six years were in the overturned car. The other car was driven by a 23-year-old man. He and the two-year-old child suffered minor injuries in the accident. The other two adults and the six-year-old child sustained serious injuries.

Source: DPA

Ehningen, Baden-Württemberg: About eleven cows took a nightly walk. The herd blocked a street in Ehningen (Boeblingen district) on Saturday night, the police said. Someone called the police. The officials got a picture of the situation and informed the owner. She came with helpers and accompanied the cows into their enclosure together with the police.

Source: DPA

Plauen, Saxony: A 17-year-old died in Plauen in the Vogtland district, presumably after consuming ecstasy. As the police announced on Friday, the young woman stayed with an acquaintance last Saturday and complained of being unwell in the evening. Her condition apparently worsened during the night, after which she was taken to a hospital. There she died that night.

According to the police, there was no evidence of third-party or violence. The investigators suspect that the young person may have consumed ecstasy tablets beforehand. Accordingly, a corresponding toxicological investigation was initiated. The result is still pending.

Source: DPA

Munich, Bavaria: Customs investigators have broken up a network of suspected doping dealers. As the Munich customs investigation office announced on Friday, twelve living quarters and a storage facility in Bavaria, Hesse, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-Württemberg were searched and around 2,700 bottles and cans with selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) were discovered. They are designed to increase strength and muscle building.

Two brothers who are said to have organized the doping trade from a camp in Frankfurt am Main are said to be in custody. The two were arrested in mid-June. Other searches were carried out later. Eleven people between the ages of 19 and 43 are suspected of having sent and accepted the doping preparations.

Source: DPA

Steinhude, Lower Saxony: near the Steinhude Sea, young pond turtles have again been released into the wild. The action is part of the species protection project “Reintroduction of the European pond turtle in Lower Saxony”. State Environment Minister Christian Meyer (Greens) said: “As recently as 2013, the only wild turtle in Germany was also considered extinct in Lower Saxony.” In the meantime, around 400 turtles have been settled in the Steinhuder Meer area northwest of Hanover. This is a great success for species protection.

Source: DPA

Wacken, Schleswig-Holstein: For a few days in the coming week, tranquil Wacken in Schleswig-Holstein will again be the center of the heavy metal scene. Around 85,000 metal fans from all over the world and genre greats like the British band Iron Maiden want to let it rip again on the meadows of the Wacken Open Air (W:O:A) from August 2nd to 5th. The landmark of the festival is already hanging between the two main stages. The bull’s skull, which is about twelve meters wide and ten meters high, weighs around 2.5 tons. It should again emit flames that can be seen from afar during the concerts.

Source: DPA

Rostock, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: A crane driver has opened a larger lock to Scandinavia in the seaport of Rostock. On Thursday evening, while loading a freight train, the worker saw how the tarpaulin of a truck trailer was suddenly slashed and people climbed out, a federal police spokesman said on Friday. The trailer for articulated lorries was to be brought onto a ferry bound for Sweden using a device.

The crane driver alerted the federal police, who started a large-scale search operation using a helicopter. The migrants fled to the port area. So far, only four men from the larger group, who probably come from several North and Central African countries, have been caught, as the spokesman said. The men, whose exact identity is still being clarified, were taken to an initial reception center for asylum seekers in Schwerin. The search for the other occupants of the truck trailer continues.

Source: DPA

Mühlhausen, Thuringia: A bus driver was attacked in Mühlhausen early Thursday evening. Four young men kicked the bus to get the driver to stop, the Nordhausen police said on Friday. As the bus stopped, a 25-year-old man punched the bus driver, who sustained minor injuries. The police were later able to find the suspect using a personal description. He is being investigated for grievous bodily harm.

Source: DPA

Leipzig, Saxony: Two workers fell from scaffolding in an accident on a construction site in Leipzig and were seriously injured. A balcony attached to a new building slipped on Thursday afternoon for reasons that are not yet clear and hit the adjacent scaffolding, a police spokeswoman said. At the time, the two construction workers, aged 39 and 65, were on the scaffolding. They fell several meters down. An ambulance took the men to the hospital. The criminal police are investigating because of negligent bodily harm. The “Leipziger Volkszeitung” had previously reported.

Source: DPA

Eglharting, Bavaria: A man in a priest’s robe is said to have hit a 19-year-old in Upper Bavaria with a processional cross and slightly injured him. As the police announced on Thursday, the two men got into an argument on Wednesday evening at a train station in Eglharting (Ebersberg district), around 30 kilometers east of Munich. The 20-year-old then hit the 19-year-old with the cross.

According to the injured person, the argument was about a common ex-partner. Investigators assume that the 20-year-old stole the cross and the priest’s stole from a church. It was initially unclear which church the two objects came from. The 20-year-old was arrested by the police. He is being investigated for theft and assault.

Source: DPA

Suhl, Thuringia: According to the police, a cable thief messed up train traffic in southern Thuringia and caused delays and train cancellations. A 33-year-old is said to have removed fiber optic and copper cables on the route between Neudietendorf and Ritschenhausen, as the federal police announced on Thursday. The incident on Wednesday took place in Suhl, where irregularities in the room of the dispatcher and in the control and signaling technology were noticed early in the morning. For the police informed by the railway, it quickly became apparent that someone had removed cables from the railway line.

As a result, 31 trains were delayed, one was completely canceled, and 18 connections were partially canceled. According to the police, the man had burned the cable sheathing and thus attracted attention. When police officers searched his gazebo, they found the stolen goods that could be attributed to the crime without a doubt. During the interrogation, it also turned out that the man is said to have committed another theft. He is being investigated for disrupting public services, property damage and theft.

Source: DPA

Rottendorf, Bavaria: A 72-year-old was stopped in Lower Franconia with a tuned car and significantly excessive speed. As the police announced on Thursday, the man had driven 73 km/h too fast on the federal highway 8 near Rottendorf (Würzburg district) on Tuesday.

The officials became aware of the speeder because he overtook them at a significantly faster speed. During a later traffic check, they noticed various changes to the car’s exhaust system and air filter housing. This also expired the operating license for the vehicle.

The 72-year-old faces a four-digit fine and a driving ban of several months.

Source: DPA

Nuremberg, Bavaria: Police officers caught a shoplifter in Nuremberg three times within a few hours. After the third arrest, “the measure was full this time” and the public prosecutor’s office had requested custody for the 20-year-old from the Upper Palatinate, the police said on Thursday. According to a police spokesman, a judge should decide on the arrest application on Thursday.

The 20-year-old was reportedly caught trying to steal records and expensive perfumes on Wednesday. Just over an hour and a half after his release, he was arrested again for stealing expensive perfumes from another store. About two and a half hours later, the police arrested him again – this time for trying to steal expensive men’s clothing.

The police said the 20-year-old was now being investigated for commercial theft.

Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia: A father is said to have murdered his 19-year-old daughter in Essen after he himself became a victim of dating scams. As the police and prosecutors announced on Thursday, the 55-year-old then committed suicide. According to the investigation, the background to the crime, which is said to have happened last week, was so-called “love scamming”. According to the police, scammers pretend to be in love with their counterparts on social media or on dating portals in order to then persuade them to transfer money.

The father of the family was therefore heavily indebted in this context and transferred a five-figure sum of money to the scammers. Due to the financial hardship that had arisen, the man first killed his daughter and then himself in his apartment. On site, investigators found several suicide notes from the man.

Another daughter contacted the police on the evening of July 19 because her father did not show up for a planned meeting. Because no one reacted in the apartment, emergency services finally broke open the door and found the body of the young woman, who was apparently the victim of a homicide.

The police appealed to those affected by the scam: The most important thing is not to blame yourself or the relatives affected. You should also trust other people and the police.

Source: DPA

Würzburg, Bavaria: The district court of Würzburg sentenced three men from Hesse for mass fraud in the online sale of goods. A 20-year-old received a two-year youth sentence suspended on probation. His 20- and 21-year-old accomplices received prison sentences of two and a half and two years and nine months, respectively. The verdicts under juvenile criminal law on Wednesday are not yet final. The three defendants from Frankfurt am Main had largely confessed to the allegations.

The men are said to have cheated unsuspecting internet buyers out of hundreds of thousands of euros in hundreds of cases. The defendants were charged with gang and commercial fraud, misuse of identity papers and stealing data.

The search for other suspects continues. According to the public prosecutor’s office, more than 1000 cases of fraud and more than 1800 victims have been identified in the overall complex. It was often about the sale of items such as game consoles and graphics cards via the eBay classifieds platform at the time (today: classifieds). The buyers paid the price of the goods, but the order never reached them.

Source: DPA

Saarbrücken, Saarland: A smoking break in the wrong place ended with an arrest for a 41-year-old in Saarbrücken. As the police reported on Tuesday, officials had checked the man on Monday evening at Saarbrücken Central Station who was smoking outside the assigned zone. During the check, the police officers then found that the number plate of the e-scooter that the man had with him had been manipulated. A query then revealed that the scooter had been reported stolen.

In addition, the police officers found a “not a small amount” of drugs and cash of 665 euros in the man’s backpack. According to the police, the denomination of the banknotes raised the suspicion that the 41-year-old was dealing in drugs. The police arrested the man for the time being.

Source: DPA

Hattingen, North Rhine-Westphalia: A 28-year-old woman was seriously injured in a riding accident in the Ruhr area. The woman fell from the horse on Wednesday evening for reasons that have not yet been clarified at a riding stable in Hattingen (Ennepe-Ruhr district), as a fire department spokesman said on Thursday. After that, the horse fell partially on the woman. A rescue helicopter took her to a special clinic in Wuppertal. It was not initially known whether the animal was injured in the accident.

Source: DPA

Demmin, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: A 29-year-old from Demmin (Mecklenburg Lake District) tried to trick his own grandmother with a grandchild trick – but failed. The man is now being investigated for faking a crime and attempted fraud, a police spokeswoman said on Wednesday. The man, who was already known to the police, probably needed money to celebrate at the weekend.

He called his 85-year-old grandmother and pretended over the phone that he was “in the hands of shady characters.” He is with them in a hut in a forest near Rostock and the men would do something to him if he didn’t quickly find 400 to 600 euros. However, the grandmother, who, according to the message, “seemed strange”, immediately called the police.

The officials were then able to reach the 29-year-old on his cell phone. He admitted the whole thing was a ruse as he needed money for his free time. He receives no financial support from his family. In order to really rule out that he is in danger, the grandson met the police in person.

The officials of the 85-year-olds then explained the case. She couldn’t understand her grandson’s behavior, but was relieved that he was fine, she said.

Source: DPA

Pfullendorf, Baden-Württemberg: In a work accident, a 50-year-old in Baden-Württemberg severed several fingers. As the police in Ravensburg reported on Wednesday, the accident happened on Tuesday in a factory building in Pfullendorf. The man worked there on an automatic sawing machine.

A rescue helicopter flew the injured worker to a clinic for treatment. The police began investigations into the course of the accident and the cause of the accident.

What: AFP

Rügen, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Nine cattle on the island of Rügen caused train delays and an unusual deployment of the federal police. The animals escaped on Tuesday through an open gate of an organic farm near Lietzow (West Pomerania-Rügen), as a spokeswoman for the federal police said on Wednesday.

Trains therefore had to run more slowly, and later the Lietzow-Binz railway line had to be completely closed. Federal police officers drove the cattle along the tracks until they were separated in a meadow, where their owner picked them up. Due to the cattle excursion, eight trains were each a few minutes late. The entire operation lasted almost four hours.

Source: DPA

Germany: The fuel prices are rising again. Within a week, premium petrol of the E10 variety increased by 3.6 cents, as the ADAC announced on Wednesday. On a nationwide daily average on Tuesday, a liter of E10 cost 1.825 euros – that’s only 0.3 cents less than the annual high in April. Diesel increased by 4.2 cents and cost 1.670 euros per liter.

“The current increase is mainly due to the higher oil price,” said ADAC fuel market expert Jürgen Albrecht. “The travel season with the summer holidays also plays a role.” Basically, he thinks the prices are too high.

Source: DPA

Lüdenscheid, North Rhine-Westphalia: When a verdict was announced in the district court of Lüdenscheid, a 29-year-old accused attacked, hit and bit the judge. The man from Lüdenscheid was accused of violating the Narcotics Act, the Märkischer Kreis district police authority reported on Wednesday.

When the chairman announced the verdict, the accused suddenly stood up, according to witnesses. He then jumped over the judge’s table, yanked him off the chair and hit him and bit his hand, police said. He also beat an employee of the district court when he tried to help the judge.

Calls for help from witnesses then alerted two police officers who happened to be present in the court. They finally managed to overpower the Lüdenscheider, tie him up and take him into custody. But one of the police officers was also bitten on the hand. The incident happened on Tuesday afternoon, according to police.

The judge and his staff were taken to the Lüdenscheid Clinic to treat the injuries. The police officer also had to be treated in the hospital, but remained able to work. The 29-year-old is now being investigated on suspicion of physical injury, property damage and resistance to law enforcement officials, it said.

Source: DPA

Nuremberg, Bavaria: After criticism of the sometimes explicit sexual depictions, the Nuremberg Egidienkirche temporarily closed the exhibition “Jesus loves” with pictures by the director Rosa von Praunheim. The parish council decided that at a meeting on Tuesday, according to the parish’s website. There was a “variety of feedback” on the exhibition. The exhibition has been on view since July 21. Before that, the “Nürnberger Nachrichten” and other media had reported on the closure.

The executive pastor of the church council, Martin Brons, explained: “We are setting ourselves the task of taking seriously the injuries that have been caused by individual pictures. At the same time, it is also our task in the cosmopolitan cultural church of St. Egidien to challenge socio-political and religious issues to give space to artistic positions.”

Rosa von Praunheim (80) is considered one of the pioneers of the political gay and lesbian movement in Germany. According to the flyer for the exhibition, the exhibition contained, among other things, “male couples who, as a matter of course, “recaptured” or never lost body, love and sexuality as life-giving and pleasure-giving forces of existence”.

Source: DPA

Berlin: An unbroken demand for living space, a crisis in new construction and wait-and-see property buyers: According to a study, the pressure on the rental market in German metropolises has increased.

In the first half of the year, asking rents in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Stuttgart and Leipzig rose by an average of 6.7 percent, according to an analysis by real estate specialist Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL). In the same period of the previous year, the increase in rents for the new buildings and existing apartments under review was still 3.7 percent.

“In all of the metropolises considered, there is an enormous shortage of supply, which will be exacerbated by the faltering housing construction,” said JLL residential real estate expert Roman Heidrich. “There is therefore no end in sight to the rent increases.” Pressure also comes from increased interest rates on loans, which discourage interested parties from buying real estate and push them into the rental market.

Source: DPA

Dachau, Bavaria: In Upper Bavaria, an e-scooter set fire to an apartment and made it uninhabitable. A 35-year-old man had set up the vehicle in his kitchen in an apartment building in Dachau for charging when it caught fire on Monday evening, probably due to a technical defect. As the police announced on Tuesday, the resident had been woken up by the smoke detector while he was sleeping and had to be rescued by the rescue workers via a ladder out of the window. He was taken to a hospital as a precaution. The other residents of the apartment building had to leave their apartments during the extinguishing work. There was damage of around 20,000 euros.

Source: DPA

Regensburg, Bavaria: In the Upper Palatinate, a naked man attacked and injured a federal police officer. The 47-year-old was caught on Sunday wearing only a thong when doing fare evasion on the train between Straubing (Lower Bavaria) and Regensburg, the police said on Tuesday. At the office at the Regensburg train station, the man then undressed in front of the emergency services.

When police officers found him again two hours later on the platform, he undressed again. Despite being sent off, the man tried to enter the station again and punched a police officer in the face, who was slightly injured. The 47-year-old is being investigated for fraudulently obtaining benefits, assaulting law enforcement officers and assault.

Source: DPA

Espelkamp, ​​North Rhine-Westphalia: A 69-year-old is said to have attacked a neighbor with a knife because of moped noise and will soon have to answer before the district court of Bielefeld. The public prosecutor accuses the man from Espelkamp (NRW) on the state border with Lower Saxony of attempted manslaughter and dangerous bodily harm. The German was therefore annoyed by engine noise.

His neighbor is said to have repaired his moped on Sunday April 23. In the evening, the 69-year-old rang the doorbell with a kitchen knife in his hand and attacked the then 49-year-old. According to the indictment, he stabbed the upper body several times with 1.6 per thousand alcohol in the blood with the intention of killing. The neighbor was able to push the attacker back out of the apartment. Emergency surgery saved his life.

The 69-year-old, who had no previous convictions, was then held in custody. The arrest warrant was then suspended. The regional court of Bielefeld still has to decide whether to admit the charges.

Source: DPA

Rostock, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Unknown people stole the gifts and all the greeting cards from a newlywed couple after a wedding party. The party had celebrated on Sunday night until around 2 a.m. in the Rostock city port. The newlyweds stored the gifts at the venue and wanted to pick them up later, police said on Monday. When the groom got there around 11 a.m. on Sunday, he noticed the break-in and informed the police. They found that the perpetrators had also broken into a neighboring shop.

Source: DPA

Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg: A burglar stole at least one pack of milk from an apartment in Tübingen – and was photographed by a witness. So the police had an easy time: According to information from Monday, a patrol recognized the 38-year-old and arrested him. A police spokesman said the motive for the theft was unclear. According to the information, the man entered the ground floor apartment through an open window on Sunday and was photographed. There was nobody at home.

Source: DPA

Neubrandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: A novice driver from Austria should remember a car ride in Mecklenburg for a long time: the police are investigating a wrong-way trip against the 17-year-old. He was caught by officials driving the wrong way around the multi-lane city ring road in Neubrandenburg, a police spokeswoman said on Tuesday. The driver from Upper Austria, where police officers noticed the smell of alcohol and slurred pronunciation on Sunday at the car window, breath alcohol was measured at 1.46 per thousand.

In addition, the young man is said to have been traveling in his father’s car. His youth driver’s license, which he acquired in Austria, is not valid in Germany, it said. The 17-year-old had to hand over papers and keys. Nobody got hurt. The teenager is being investigated for drunk driving and driving without a license.

Source: DPA

Kirchberg an der Murr, Baden-Württemberg: A 55-year-old truck driver lost a mobile toilet near Kirchberg an der Murr near Stuttgart. As the police announced on Tuesday, the toilet house fell on a driver’s vehicle on Monday afternoon. She was slightly injured. According to the police, the load was not sufficiently secured. The extent of the damage was still unclear.

Source: DPA

Greiz, Thuringia: Overturned gravestones, destroyed flowers and decorations: After around 50 graves in the cemetery in Zeulenroda-Triebes (Greiz district) were damaged, the police began investigations into disturbing the peace of the dead and property damage. The perpetrators tampered with the graves between Saturday and Sunday. The police announced this on Monday and asked for information about the unknown perpetrators. Source: DPA

Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia: An 89-year-old in Aachen lost a six-figure sum of money after a telephone scam. The senior citizen was called by a man who told her a made-up story about her sister’s serious accident and a deposit that was due, the police said on Monday. As a result, the woman took a large sum of money out of her safe deposit box on Thursday and handed it over to an unknown person near her home address.

The next day she got another call. The stranger on the phone told her that the amount of money was not enough. The woman went to the bank again and took her last savings out of the account. An employee noticed the elderly woman’s nervous behavior and alerted the police.

Bielefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia: A drunk driver stopped his car in the left lane on Autobahn 2 near Bielefeld. Previously, he was traveling in wavy lines and at a speed of ten kilometers per hour, as the police announced on Monday. A traffic check on Saturday evening revealed an alcohol level of 3.3 per mille. His three passengers were also heavily intoxicated. The driver had to go to the police for a blood test and was forbidden to continue driving until the next day.

Source: DPA

Wismar, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: A cyclist from the Altmark fell into the harbor basin in Wismar on Sunday evening. The 63-year-old from the district of Stendal fell with his electric bike between a boat and the quay wall in the approximately six meter deep water and crashed into one of the two sides.

The tourist was able to save himself on land, but was taken to a clinic because of his health. His bicycle helmet probably saved him from serious head injuries, it was said. Passers-by alerted the water police, who rescued the heavy e-bike from the bottom of the salt water. “The e-bike is likely to have suffered some damage,” said a police spokesman. It was initially unclear why the cyclist suddenly fell to the side during his tour along the quay wall.

Source: DPA

Landshut, Bavaria: A ride with his new rollator ended for an 81-year-old in Lower Bavaria in the Isar. A man saw the senior in Landshut drive into the river – and rushed to help, the police said on Monday. However, the man could not get the rollator out of the water alone on Saturday. Only with the help of a police patrol could the senior be brought back to shore.

The 81-year-old stated that he was still unfamiliar with the new walker as the reason for his odyssey into the roughly 50 centimeters deep area of ​​the river. The man’s son brought him home unharmed.

What: AFP

Saxony: The winegrowers in Saxony are still optimistic that they will have a big harvest this year. “As of now, we need moderate rainfall and we could bring in an above-average harvest,” said Felix Hößelbarth, Chairman of the Saxon Winegrowers’ Association.

The start of the wine year was almost perfect. “In winter there was wonderful rainfall and the soil was very well filled. We had great flowering and good growth,” emphasized Hößelbarth. But then, as in the previous year, the extreme drought struck. The older systems are still looking good. “But the younger plants and those on steep slopes are already being hit by drought stress.”

Source: DPA