A CT-scan shows no signs of damage, after Jair Bolsonaro reportedly hit his head during a fall.
the president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, was admitted to hospital on Monday after falling in his home in the capital Brasilia.
the Decline is the latest fright for the 64-year-old, and his health.
Local media reports that Bolsonaro hit his head when he slipped on a bathroom in the presidential palace, the Palácio da Alvorada.
He was then brought to a military hospital, where he underwent a CT-scan. The scan showed “no sign change”, informs Bolsonaros office in a statement.
the President will be in the hospital for observation between 6 and 12 hours, and it is added to the declaration.
minister of security Augusto Heleno arrived at the hospital shortly after the president’s convoy. The minister told to the tv station Globo that Bolsonaro has the “fine”.
The right-wing Jair Bolsonaro took office as president of Brazil the 1. January 2019.
Last year, he was severely wounded in a knivangreb during his election campaign.
Bolsonaro was started to campaign in the city of Juiz de Fora in the southeastern part of Brazil, when he was stabbed with a knife in the stomach and had severe internal injuries.
Footage from Globo TV showed that Jair Bolsonaro red on the shoulders of political support, when suddenly he screamed of pain.
By the attack, lost the then brazilian presidential candidate much blood, and he had two hours on the operating table before the doctors announce that his condition was stable.
then A 40-year-old man, Adelio Bispo de Oliveira, was shortly after arrested for the attack.
He was later judged to be mentally ill and is incarcerated indefinitely.
After knivoverfaldet discussed many brazilians on social media, whether Bolsonaro with its sharp rhetoric, even provoked the attack.
Bolsonaro is known for coming up with racist opinions, and to speak disparagingly about women and homosexuals. He was previously sentenced to fines for speaking ill of these groups.
Since knivangrebet is that raised concern about his health and he has undergone numerous operations to treat the wounds he received during the stabbing, in september last year.
Earlier in december indicated Bolsonaro, moreover, that he had been examined for skin cancer.