Vladimir Kara-Mursa speaks about his murdered friend, takes time after a long day. In the case of a pot of tea in the Café of a shopping center in Moscow Kara-Mursa the questions that he has five years after the death of Boris Nemtsov still no answer: according to the back of the men, the clients, the subject. “The political responsibility for the murder belongs directly to the Kremlin, and Vladimir Putin itself.” Vladimir Kara-Mursa says the calm and factual, even here in Moscow. He is not always in Russia. Two cases of poisoning, he has survived almost. That is why his family lives in Washington, to the safety.

video recordings

A question for him: How he remembers Boris Nemtsov? As he loses the thread. “It is very difficult for me to talk about him,” says Vladimir Kara-Mursa, “is deeply personal.” He knew the Germans more than 15 years, has advised him, as he worked in the Parliament was sitting, later, in Opposition with him. Nemtsov was godfather to his daughter.

Kara-Mursa speaks of a “massive hole” that will not close. Time heals all wounds? No one is irreplaceable? Both of which are no longer true for him. Five years ago, Boris Nemtsov was shot and killed. In the evening, on the way home on the Big Moscow river bridge, four bullets hit him in the back. The prominent opposition politician, died outside the walls of the Kremlin, one of the best monitored places in the country. However, the images from the surveillance cameras were missing as evidence in court.

A military court found five men from Chechnya are guilty of. One of them had confessed to Nemtsov shot, withdrew his confession later. The man had served in the battalion Sewer, which is stationed in Grozny. The Convicts had Links to several high-level politicians and officials from Chechnya. There was evidence that, at least, the then Vice-Kommandantdes Sewer-had helped the battalion to organize the fact. The man was not questioned once.

the Germans won the elections, in spite of hostility and repression, was from 2013, a Deputy in the Yaroslavl Region.

The Russian authorities refused from the beginning to speak of a political murder. Prosecutor and judge ignored Nemzows role as a Kremlin critic, and his political career. In the 90s, he became a very young Governor of Nizhny Novgorod Region, then Deputy Prime Minister, soon he was regarded as a possible successor for then-President Boris Yeltsin. Then the ruble crisis, Yeltsin’s crisis came, and Vladimir Putin was President. Nemtsov was his strongest critics.

For the democratic movement in Russia, says Vladimir Kara-Mursa, was his loss “immeasurable.” Nemtsov was able to bring people on the road, led in the autumn of 2014, a Demonstration against the war in Eastern Ukraine. He won the elections, in spite of hostility and repression, was from 2013, a Deputy in the Yaroslavl Region. Above all, however, Nemtsov was a companion of good in bringing people to the table, tell. Exactly the lack Kremlin critics and opposition in Russia since then.

You have to wonder, who the authorities protect

“We did it after his assassination, not a single Time, to form a broad coalition that would act together,” says politician Vladimir Ryzhkov on the extra-parliamentary Opposition. Ryzhkov was friends with Nemtsov, founded with him the liberal party Parnas. Now, he says, there is disagreement among the Kremlin’s critics. “Those who have murdered him, were very aware of what they are doing,” he says. “You have deprived the Opposition of a Moderator, a Mediator, a consolidating figure who could all agree on.”

Vladimir Kara-Mursa comes straight from Vienna. The Parliamentary Assembly of the organization for security and cooperation in Europe (OSCE) has published a report on the case of Boris Nemtsov. He criticized the incomplete investigation, a contradictory procedure. The Russian authorities have not supported the research of the Swedish OSCE Rapporteur. The Ministry of foreign Affairs in Moscow pointed to “state secrets” in the process files. Kara-Mursa would like to know what are secrets. And who or what are trying to protect the Russian authorities.

commemorative marches planned

Kara-Mursa works for the Foundation, Open Russia, financed by the former political prisoner Mikhail Khodorkovsky. “If we do nothing and just would watch what these people with our country, we would be complicit,” he says.

For Boris Nemtsov, there was no minute’s silence in Parliament, no plaque at the scene of the crime to him. Instead, Tireless candles and photos, and guard these flowers. If the rubbish clearance collection, and sometimes rowdy rights to everything, put new flowers and candles and photos.

In Moscow, has been going on since Nemzows death never to a larger crowd of people on the street, than to commemorate his. Also this year, memorial marches are planned. Kara-Mursa sees a growing willingness to Protest. He believes that all those who have Nemtsov on the Conscience, must eventually answer to in Russia. There Nemtsov is not forgotten. World’s squares and Parks are named after him, in Washington DC, in Vilnius, Kiev and most recently in Prague, just in front of the Russian Embassy.

Created: 28.02.2020, 21:05 PM