Many people want smooth, radiant skin all over their bodies. As a rule, this requires, among other things, a healthy lifestyle and a lot of exercise. But: The massage with a dry brush should also be able to improve the complexion. Can this really work? And does it then have a visible effect? We have everything you need to know about dry brushing.

A drybrush is a brush with mostly natural horse or boar hair bristles and often a wooden handle. Vegan versions with natural bristles are now also available. They are available in small formats for the face, in larger ones (usually with a loop for the hand) for the body, or with a handle so that you can reach your back easily, for example. The brushes are also available for different skin types: for sensitive people with softer bristles, for everyone else with normal ones.

The beauty tool is used for the brush massage at home. It is said to act as a cellulite treatment and, with the right technique, to promote blood circulation and lymphatic flow in the tissue. The dry brush can be used both for a dry massage and in the shower. When dry, the treatment is more intensive; water makes the massage a little gentler.

When dry brushing, it is important not to press the tool too hard on the skin. Prefer to work in gentle movements. For the dry massage, apart from the brush – as the name suggests – nothing else is needed: no oil or other additives. Just the right technique and about five to ten minutes a day:

The dry brush can also be used for the face. For this you should choose the small variant, which is specially made for this game. You can treat your face with it for a few minutes two to three times a week and massage it from the inside out in gentle, circular movements. As on the body, dead skin cells and residues can be removed.

As written above, dry brushing is supposed to activate the blood circulation and the lymphatic system. It should also have other advantages:

It is certain that treatment with a harder brush has a peeling effect and can stimulate blood circulation. Dead skin cells are removed and the skin becomes softer afterwards. In addition, the intensive treatment opens clogged pores and pimples on the décolleté or back can thus be prevented. A dry brush massage is also good for the circulation. However, it is questionable whether there is a visible effect against cellulite. In addition to regular massages, this certainly requires a healthy diet and lots of exercise. In addition, the massage with a dry brush should even be able to dissolve lymphedema (water retention in the fatty tissue) with regular treatment. If you suffer from it, it is best to talk to your family doctor beforehand and get advice.

Since some dry brushes are very hard, they can irritate sensitive skin. It is therefore important that you do the massage without much pressure. You should also observe how your skin reacts after the massage: if it is red and irritated for a long time, you should either use a softer brush or brush it more carefully. In addition, care with a cream without skin-irritating substances, such as perfumes, is recommended. Aloe vera can also have a cooling and calming effect.

You should also avoid dry brushing or consult a dermatologist before using the tool if:

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