The Bar Alquímico in Cartagena is ranked ninth among the best bars in the world – but it had to close a few days ago. The reason: The city administration accuses the owners of violating fire safety regulations. Cartagena Mayor Dumek Turbay Paz justified the measure as a necessary call for all nightspots to take the law seriously, emphasizing that no one is above the law. This decision was taken despite Bar Alquímico announcing that it had complied with all the recommendations made by the Fire Department in November and had even received an administrative act valid until November 2024.

It is not new that the authorities in the Cartagena urban area are taking action primarily against bars and nightclubs. The city administration criticizes the Alquímico for disturbing public order by occupying public spaces and causing other inconveniences. Despite a visit from the fire department and a finding that the bar met all requirements, the closure remained in place. The bar’s owners argue that the city government’s new regulations, which have been in effect since January 1, 2024, were neither clearly communicated nor written down, and complain about the authorities’ abrupt approach.

On Instagram they write: “Now that the officials have changed on January 1, 2024, they go to us with the new mayor’s office and tell us that we do not comply with the new rules and close us immediately. Instead of giving us the changes and new ones “If we tell you the rules, they go into the bars and shut us down. We can’t do anything. The bar was full and they kicked out all the customers.”

Even five days after the authorities’ decision, the bar must remain closed. The bar owners have already written an open letter to the mayor. They write that they meet all the requirements, that they support 80 families in the Cartagena area with their bar business and are just waiting for the authorities to come back to reopen the bar.

The Alquímico case has sparked a broader debate about the Cartagena city government’s approach to enforcing regulations and communicating with local businesses. The closure of this renowned bar remains a symbol of the ongoing tensions between the city government and nightclub operators in Cartagena’s historic center.

Quellen: “El Espectador”, “Portfolio”, “Instagram”