The Azkoyen board of directors has agreed, as a measure aimed at the remuneration and satisfaction of the firm’s shareholders, to propose to the next general shareholders’ meeting the distribution of an extraordinary gross dividend of 20 million euros.
Said dividend is additional to the one foreseen in the annual accounts corresponding to the financial year 2021 charged to the result of said year of 10.64 million euros, of which 5.76 million are pending payment.
The net amount corresponding to said dividend will be paid on July 18, 2022, as reported by the company this Friday to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).
Payment will be made through the depositary entities participating in the Sociedad de Gestión de los Sistemas de Registro, Compensación y Liquidación de Valores (Iberclear).
The remaining information on the dividend will be published once its distribution has been agreed by the meeting.
Lastly, the Azkoyen board of directors has reported that the call announcement for the ordinary general meeting for the 2022 financial year will be published in the coming days.