A 112-year-old Venezuelan farmer, Juan Vincente Pérez, is now the oldest man in the world after the death of a Spaniard, Guinness World Records announced on Tuesday.

Born on May 27, 1909 in the town of El Cobre, in the state of Tachira (west), Juan Vincente Pérez is officially the “oldest” living man in the world, Guinness said in a press release which carried out verification on February 4.

“He has exceptional health and memory. He remembers his childhood, his marriage, the names of his brothers, children and grandchildren,” says Guinness about this man who lives in the mountainous town of San José de Bolivar, also in the state of Tachira, and will celebrate its 113th birthday in ten days.

“He enjoys being surrounded by family and friends to converse and tell stories,” adds the UK-based world record-taking organization.

Her secret to longevity? Work hard, rest well at night and “drink a glass of brandy every day”.

Mr. Pérez began working at an early age as a farmer. At five years old, he was already helping his parents to harvest sugar and coffee. As an adult, he worked as a bailiff resolving land disputes in the village of Caricuena where he lived at the time.

Widowed for 25 years after 60 years of marriage, he had 11 children, 41 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren and 12 great-great-grandchildren.

The family is “very grateful for the state of health” enjoyed by the patriarch, according to one of his daughters, Nelyda.

Spaniard Saturnino de la Fuente Garcia, born on February 11, 1909, was also 112 when he died on January 19, 2022, just under a month before his 113th birthday.

The doyenne of humanity is a 118-year-old Frenchwoman, Sister André, born Lucile Randon on February 11, 1904.