
As a doctor and a voter, I have been thinking about the health of the presidential candidates, President Biden and former President Trump. Both candidates are older, with President Biden being 81 and former President Trump being 78. This raises concerns about their health, especially since both have shown signs of cognitive decline.

The issue of the candidates’ health is a crucial one, as the major parties have never before put forth candidates who are as old. Calls for greater disclosure about the health of our presidential candidates have been increasing, but the question remains: how much information do politicians owe us about their health?

As a physician, I am often asked about the health of the candidates, but it is not as simple as it seems. The health of politicians has historically been shrouded in secrecy and political maneuvering, and social media has only amplified questions about their health and fitness. The public’s perception of a candidate’s health is closely tied to their perceived strength, and this perception can greatly influence the outcome of an election.

It is important to challenge the assumptions we have about age and health. With advancements in medical technology, many illnesses that were once fatal can now be managed. Conditions like heart disease and cancer can be treated, allowing people to live longer, healthier lives. When evaluating the health of political candidates, we must consider these shifting realities and differentiate between disabilities that require accommodation and conditions that may be life-limiting.

Ultimately, the health of the candidates should be an important factor in our decision-making process, but it should not be the sole determining factor. We must look beyond age and perceived strength and consider the candidates’ policies, experience, and ability to perform the duties of the presidency. As we approach the upcoming election, let us make informed decisions based on all relevant factors, including the health of the candidates.