all Around the Switzerland and close countries and regions all schools to stop the spread of the Coronavirus , such as in Italy or in the Alsace region. In Italy also day-care centres to. Epidemiologists are divided on whether this is useful. In Ticino, has decided yesterday evening to let the compulsory school, for the time being open, however, all of those schools after 9. To close the class.

For many parents the fear is real, that it can pick up in Zurich, a drastic measure might be – even if the Federal government holds previously: “Area-wide School closings make no sense.”

And if that changes? What is certain is that The consequences for thousands of families, but also for the overall economy, would be drastically reduced. As countless parents can only work if the children are in school or in day care. How many fathers and mothers would be affected, no one knows exactly.

About 70’000 children are cared for in a foreign

Statistical evidence, but there is: In the Canton of Zurich according to estimates by the education Directorate of around 40’000 school children, a daycare or an other school day structure, more than 40 percent. About 34’000 babies and toddlers are cared for in a nursery. To countless boys and girls who are temporarily in the case of a childminder or grandparents, or whose parents work, when the kids are in school. The statistics also shows that More than three-quarters of all mothers of school children working at least part-time.

mixing of the generations to avoid

Particularly affected by school closures, the about 35’000 would be lone parents in the Canton of Zurich. Many of them already work in worse-paid Jobs, often in the hourly wage. And many are in industries that do not allow the home office, such as in sales or other service industries.

The parents concerned would be in accordance with the employment act, obliged to seek as quickly as possible an alternative form of childcare for your children – this is one of the reasons why the Federal government-with the exception currently of school closures. “We want to avoid a mixing of the generations,” said Patrick Mathys of the Federal office for health on Wednesday at a media conference. “Because often it would be Grossmami or Grosspapi, which would take care of the children.” In addition, the children were to remain barely at home, but your social contacts to maintain.

concerns about Online teaching

there is A whole other question of whether and how the children could be taught in the case of school closures, more. Single Zurich municipalities have sent to the parents once a preventive questionnaire, on which they had to indicate whether they were equipped to home for any digital classroom.

Christine Neresheimer, head of primary education at the Pedagogical University of Zurich, logs in respect of an unaccompanied Online teaching concerns: “children under twelve years can work for a maximum of one to two hours unattended. Also, you need regular breaks and exercise.” Without the help from adults, it is hardly conceivable that primary school pupils and develop the school self-responsible.

Although today’s school children are quite fit in dealing with learning programmes: “But you always need feedback from the teachers.” Especially on the lower level, a longer duration of Online courses is not realistic.

Add to this that not all households would have enough, and powerful devices like Laptop or Ipad at home: “Here there are big Differences.” Just do the Online classes is difficult – small, but insidious problems such as blocked learning programs because the child has not the password is incorrectly typed in, to talk at all.

Created: 12.03.2020, 06:59 PM