Amazon was the favorite to win the contract at ten billion dollars with the Pentagon, but Microsoft ran with the victory.

Tech giant Amazon sues the us department of defense, the Pentagon, to have entered into a milliardkontrakt with Microsoft.

It was stated by a spokesman for the u.s. company on the night of Saturday, local time.

the Amazon was the favorite to win the switch on the ten billion dollar – the equivalent of 67 billion Danish kroner – with the u.s. department of defense.

But in October informed the Pentagon that Microsoft had won the contact.

Amazon is contesting the decision and has therefore lodged a lawsuit to the us court handling federal complaints.

the Complaint is submitted sealed, and the details around it are therefore not publicly available.

Amazon informs in the court Betist documents, where requested to keep confidential the information contained in the complaint, that the complaint contains many sensitive information. Including trade secrets and confidential financial information.

Why will the publication of the complaint could hurt Amazon’s competitiveness, says.

last week rejected the UNITED states’s secretary of defense Mark Esper, that the Pentagon has been biased in connection with the decision to give the contract to Microsoft.

Amazon has earlier claimed that there were politics in the decision about who the contact should be given to.

Tech giant has made reference to the president of the UNITED states, Donald Trump, has long criticized Amazon and the company’s founder, Jeff Bezos.

The disputed contract is part of a major modernisation of the Pengatons it systems.

the Project is called “The Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure Cloud”, which shortened the Jedi. The goal is to promote the digitisation of the ministry.

Microsoft’s shares rose by 2.5 percent, in the hours after the news that Microsoft won the contract was published. Amazon’s dropped the reverse with a 0,98 percent.
