The Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albres, has reported this Monday that he does not know the reasons why the ministers of United We Can not attend the solemn act that commemorates the 40th anniversary of Spain’s accession to NATO and He justified that “the important thing is the decisions of the Council of Ministers”.

These have been his words in the interview on TVE. Today marks the 40th anniversary of Spain’s accession to NATO, a commemoration that will be held at the Royal Theater and will include the participation of King Felipe VI, the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the Secretary General of the NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, as well as other members of opposition parties such as Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

“I have not spoken with them,” Albares pointed out when asked about an assessment of the absence of his partners from the Government of United We Can and if one of the reasons was due to some problem with the agenda, although it is true that from the purple formation they have already made public their discomfort with the organization of the north atlantic. The minister wanted to confirm that “Tuesday to Tuesday” the Council of Ministers agrees “that peace must return to Ukraine as soon as possible, that the Spanish must be protected and that the European project must be maintained”.

Despite this, he assured that today is an important day for Spain because it commemorates the adhesion to “this alliance of democracy” which meant for the “young Spanish democracy” -40 years ago- to acquire “the new concept of collective security” .

The minister also highlighted that Spain is going to be the center of the international community next June with the NATO Summit in Madrid at a time that he has defined as “crucial” for the security of Europe and the “world order”. ».