Saxony-Anhalt’s Agriculture Minister Sven Schulze (CDU) regrets the dissolution of a much-noticed expert commission to improve animal husbandry. The body led by former Federal Minister of Agriculture Jochen Borchert (CDU) decided last week to end its work because there is little prospect of its recommendations being implemented. “This decision is a devastating signal for animal husbandry in Germany and once again makes it clear that there is a lack of implementation power when it comes to the urgent issues of our time,” said Schulze on Monday in Magdeburg.

“Instead of the overall concept for livestock husbandry demanded by all federal states in September last year, the federal government only presented a patchwork,” said the Minister of Agriculture. “Neither the required financial support nor the legal framework to set up animal husbandry for the future have been satisfactorily clarified.” Schulze announced that he would again appeal to Federal Minister Cem Ă–zdemir (Greens) at the next Conference of Agriculture Ministers to live up to his responsibility and finally give animal husbandry in Germany a perspective.

As early as 2020, the “Competence Network Livestock Husbandry” had presented a concept for a gradual conversion of animal husbandry towards significantly higher standards. It also provides for billions of euros in secured long-term financing so that farmers are not left with additional costs. The government coalition in the federal government has initially decided on a boost of one billion euros, but has been struggling for months to find more permanent funding.

Press release Ministry of Agriculture Sachsen-Anhalt Statement of the Commission of August 22, 2023