The transport ministers of the federal and state governments had already agreed in principle in mid-September that there should be a successor regulation for the cheap ticket offered in the summer months from January 1st. There is also an agreement for shared funding between the federal and state governments, but the federal states are also demanding a further increase in the regionalization funds for local public transport. Rural areas should also be better connected in this way.

The federal government still did not make any concessions here at the Prime Ministers’ Conference (MPK): “From the point of view of the federal states (…) an increase in regionalization funds is also necessary to improve quality and in view of the massive increases in energy prices,” it said in the MPK decision .

“It must not happen that we have a solution for the ticket in the end, but because otherwise the money is no longer there in public transport, the clocks have to be thinned out or lines have to be closed,” said North Rhine-Westphalian Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU). According to the decision, the transport ministers of the federal and state governments should now meet again in order to “come to a conclusion promptly”.