Bremen’s State Women’s Representative Bettina Wilhelm is critical of the Bremen Jusos’ proposal for a men-free day at fairs. The demand starts at the wrong end and is tantamount to a capitulation, Wilhelm told the dpa. “Rather, the organisers, the security forces and the public sector need viable preventive measures so that women are effectively protected against sexual assaults at the festivals.”

The youth organization of the Bremen SPD had proposed on Monday to better protect women, as a test this year on the Osterwiese and the Freimarkt each day without male visitors. Every year women reported sexual assaults at these festivals; almost every visitor knows annoying sayings and comments, said the Jusos. Men-free times are also nothing new, they exist at concerts, in saunas or swimming pools.

Like in the swimming pool or sauna

Wilhelm emphasized that this comparison was flawed. “Because this is about subjective well-being and not about protecting women there from sexual assault or harassment.” Women and queer people experienced harassment not only in marquees, but everywhere in public space. “Again, the solution cannot be to ban men from the streets or other places once a week,” added the women’s representative.

The Showmen’s Association had also rejected the request. He had pointed out that a lot was already being done to protect women at the festivals. The Osterwiese takes place in Bremen from March 31st to April 16th, the Freimarkt from October 13th to 29th.