In Greece, after the serious train accident that left many dead, there were clashes between the police and demonstrators. After initially peaceful protest rallies in Athens and the central Greek city of Larisa in the evening, hooded rioters threw firecrackers and stones at the police, state radio reported.

Thousands of demonstrators had previously taken to the streets because of the train accident in which at least 57 people died on Wednesday night. Police used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse the rioters. The riots lasted about an hour. The situation then calmed down, the state broadcaster reported.

Many young people are taking to the streets

Mostly young people took part in the demonstrations. They chanted slogans against politicians who are said to be responsible for the dilapidated state of Greek railways. After the accident, it was found that the ETCS (European Train Control System) – the system that stops the train when danger is imminent and thus also protects against human error – is out of order.

On the night of March 1, a passenger train with around 350 people on board near Larisa got onto a track on which an oncoming goods train was approaching due to an incorrect switch setting. Most of the victims were young people, mainly students, who were going to Thessaloniki in northern Greece after a long weekend. The responsible railway employee at Larisa station has already been charged with negligent homicide.