Nearly 13,000 schoolchildren in the province, between the ages of 3 and 18, participate in the program of educational workshops developed by the Toledo Provincial Council in schools, once again offering the educational community a benchmark pedagogical program in the province, which could not be held the last two years as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

In total, 514 educational workshops are held in what is the seventh edition of this program, with a wide thematic catalog of content, promoting interest in different branches of knowledge or spontaneous learning of another language at an early age.

In this way, infant, primary, secondary or high school students reinforce their knowledge at the hands of their teachers, analyzing the environment that surrounds them, discovering the everyday, their closest history and customs, the legacy of their ancestors, the evolution or Progress.

That is why the common workshops for children (from 3 to 6 years old), primary, from 6 to 12 years old) secondary and high school (from 12 to 18 years old) focus on historical heritage, languages, nature, arts, science and technology, music and theater and varied themes.

Workshops dedicated to equality and emotional education are reserved for older students, in order to make them aware of the need to eradicate sexist violence and violence against women, betting on real gender equality.

The workshops given by entities registered in the Toledo Provincial Council catalog encourage the development of imagination, creativity, ingenuity and reasoning, teamwork and observation skills, motivation or personal self-esteem.

Also improve human relations and playful learning, with special emphasis on the prevention of bullying behavior or that promote gender inequality, in addition to improving academic results.

The workshops are adapted to the educational sections, structuring themselves in a classroom format in educational centers or houses of culture, characterized by being very dynamic and participatory, in groups of participants appropriate to each workshop.

The duration of the didactic workshops varies according to the theme and proposals of the accredited pedagogical entities and professionals, supported by graphic or audiovisual material, and always taking into account that the contents are adapted to the different interests or training levels.

The acceptance of this initiative has led the Provincial Government, chaired by Álvaro Gutiérrez, to increase the economic item by 15,000 euros, up to 85,000 euros to expand the number of recipients, the offer and the entities that are part of the catalogue.

The cooperation of the town councils is essential so that the success of the educational program of didactic workshops promoted by the Toledo Provincial Council can reach all the municipalities that choose to participate in it, counting throughout the course on the acceptance of the young people involved in its participatory and interactive development, two of the main qualities of a proposal that has caught on among the youngest population in the province.